Chapter 2

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Dani's POV

I wake up to the sound of my alarm. 6:30am. Damn I have my first day of school today. I walk into the upstairs kitchen to make breakfast. Dad is already in the kitchen with his weet-bix and orange juice. I put two pieces of toast in the toaster and sit down across the counter from him.

"Morning princess." He says giving me a hug.

"Morning dad." I say hugging him back, "when do you start work?"

"7 so I am leaving now, your car is in the garage, so you can drive you and your sister to school." He gives me a kiss on the head and walks down stairs. I hear the door close and right on cue my toast pops. I collect it and put peanut butter on it.

"Morning Dani." Caitlin says walking out of her room.

"Morning caitie." I say taking a bite of my toast.

She sits down next to me with a bowl of Special K.

"What times school?" She asks through mouthfuls of food.

"8:45- 3:00" I reply putting by plate in the dishwasher.

I walk to my room and put on some black skinny jeans on and a pale pink jumper top that has the words Aussie in white on it. I put my hair in a messy bun and chuck on some converse shoes. I walk out of my room and make Caitie and myself a sandwich. When I'm done I look up and see Caitlin wearing a black top that has one direction on it and pink pants.

"Get that off now, just no." I laugh pulling her into her room. I pull out a plain pale blue top and a pair of black skinny jeans, I take out some plain flats and hand her, her clothes.

"Now hurry up we have 20 minutes." I close the door and walk over to the bathroom and brush my teeth, put moisturiser on and put some mascara on. I walk out of the bathroom and see Caitie standing there in the clothes I gave her.

"You look better" I say giving her a smile.

She smiles back and we grabs our phones and walks down stairs to the garage. I open it up and inside was a black Mercedes Benz. I open up the door to the drivers seat and hop in. Caitie sits next to me in the passenger seat and we take off.

It takes half an hour to get to school, (we got lost) when we rock up there is only half an hour 'till first period. We grab our bags and walk to the office.

"Morning girls, and how can I help you." The office lady asks with a big smile. Her blue eyes are staring up at us and her blond hair is in a ponytail.

"We are new here so we are not entirely sure about what we are supposed to do." I answer her returning the smile.

"Oh You must be Caitlin and Danielle I'll just go tell the principal you're here, take a seat and he should be ready for you to go in soon." She says and walks down a long corridor. I take a seat and look around the room when two girls that are around our age walk in laughing. They whisper some words to each other and went to the front office, not even noticing that me and caitie were sitting there.

"You girls can come in now." The office lady says waving us into an office that has a sign on the wall that has 'principle' on it. There is an oldish man sitting on the chair behind the desk, who has brown eyes, brown hair and round glasses.

"Girls sit down, I'm your principle Mr Oaks." He says extending a hand out to Caitie.

"Caitlin Jones" she replies shaking his out stretched hand. When they finish he shakes my hand.

"Danielle Jones." I reply shaking his hand.

"Ok girls so we don't have a uniform so that's all good and I have your schedules, seems like you are in the same classes except for one." He says with a smile and hands us our schedules. "Now the bell will be ringing soon so you can just head to class, your lockers are next to each other's." He opens the door and we walk out, there was another girl there and she looks up at us. "Ah, Sarah, this is Caitlin and Danielle, I was hoping you could show them around. They are in the same year level as you." He tells Sarah.

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