Chapter 40

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"Do you want to go out for lunch?" Louis asks, we hadn't done much this morning just talked for a while.

"Sure." I smile back. We head out the house and make our way to my car. I am wearing a nice light blue top and some dark skinny jeans. Louis is wearing a black sweater with Adidas on it with black skinny jeans and a beanie. I love when he wears beanies, he looks so good looking... Not that he didn't look good looking with out it but...

"So how are you feeling this morning?" Louis asks hopping in the passenger seat taking me out of my thoughts.

"I'm great, I just don't remember much of last night... Like how we got home." I comment driving out the drive way.

"Well I sobered up because you were absolutely wrecked, so I started having water and ate a bit and then when I was sober I drove us home even though you were pleading me to stay." He states and takes my hand.

"Oh ok." I laugh and pull into a diner.

It was the diner that we went to where the boys found out about Riley and my mum. We hop out the car and make our way inside. We take a seat at the back of the diner so we wouldn't be noticed. We order some food and I look Louis stares at me.

"Why are you always staring at me, it's creepy." I comment smiling.

"You're just so beautiful." He says and I blush.

"Well yeah I'm Australian all us Aussies are beautiful." I reply back flicking my hair, making Louis laugh.

"Is that right?" He responds lifting his eyebrows.

"It is." I smirk back.

"How can you call me creepy... You took photos and videos of me while I was sleeping." Louis asks making me laugh.

"Yeah let's not talk about that shall we." I reply giggling as our food comes out.


"I love this place." Louis says spinning me as we get to the lake.

"Me too." I reply sitting on the ground.

I look out along the water and see some families walking around the lake. Laughter of children surrounds me. I see two kids running past us laughing and screaming as a woman chases them and wraps them in her arms and they all laugh. I felt a hand on my back and I slightly jump.

"You alright love?" Louis asks sitting down next to me.

"Yeah just taking in my surroundings." I reply leaning against him.

"They are cute huh?" Louis says, I look to where he was looking and see two little kids around about 4 and 5 playing chasey.

"Yeah they are." I reply.

"I can't wait for our little Tomlinsons." Louis says and I smile at the thought. I imagine what our kids would look like. I image them having louis eyes and my dimples, louis hair and my smile. I hope they don't get my ears.

"We have to go back my flight is soon." Louis says standing up.

He helps me up and we walk hand in hand to the car. The car ride home is quite, the radio is on in the background but neither of us are talking. We get home and Louis makes his way into the bedroom. I go to the library and sit on the ledge.

"Hey what's up? You seem a bit down since the lake." Louis says walking up to me. I move so I was facing him and look him in the eyes.

"I'm just going to miss you a lot." I smile slightly.

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