Chapter 45

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Caities POV

I sit on the couch and open my laptop. SIMS TIME! I think. I let it load and eat some Nutella. I love Nutella, it's my life. The game loads and I click on the household. I have made a house hold of all the boys, perrie, sophia, Ella, dani and I. There are so many people, and every fucking one is unhappy. What is this shit!? Going to use cheats on this shit. I hear the doorbell ring and let out a sigh. I open the door and see Dani.

"Hey." I say and let her in.

"Hi." She smiles but looks distracted.

"Everything ok?" I ask and she nods her head.

"Yeah." She smiles and looks at me.

"Ok... So what's up?" I ask and we both walk to my computer.

"Not much, you?" She asks sitting next to me.

"Sims." I reply and continue my game.

"I look retarded." Dani says looking at the screen.

"You look fine." I respond laughing.

"Look at you, you look good as." She says clicking on my sim.

"No, I look like shit." I say and dani just laughs and shakes her head.

"You look better than me." She says.

"We both look better than the boys do." I respond, showing her the rest of the group.

"Perrie looks so good." Dani says.

"It doesn't look anything like her." I reply.

"But she looks so pretty, and Perrie is pretty so you got that aspect right." Dani explains laughing.

"I suppose." I reply laughing. We continue to talk and play sims.


"Holy crap it's 4:30 already." Dani says looking at her phone.

"Really?" I ask saving the sims game.

"Why would I lie." She asks smiling.

"I was being rhetorical." I comment.

"I know that." She replies standing up. She walks to the kitchen and comes back with a banana.

"Why do you have a banana?" I ask her confused. She hates bananas, despises them, hates the smell, taste everything about them.

"I have been craving them." She says taking a bite out of it.

"Is it good?" I ask her smiling.

"It's so good." She says taking another bite.

"You have bananas, why are you eating one?" I ask confused.

"Umm... I've got to tell you something." She says biting her bottom lip.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"Fuck I don't know how to tell you, Umm, I am pregnant." She says and I look at her shocked.

"What? How? When? What?" I say. "Congratulations." I laugh.

"No, no not congratulations." She says shaking her head.

"Why, have you told Louis? Wait it is Louis right?" I ask concerned.

"Of course it's Louis... You are the only one who knows." She says leaning back in her chair.

"You have to tell Louis." I yell.

"Tell Louis what?" Harry asks walking into the room, i look at dani and she gives me a look telling me not to tell him.

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