Chapter 25

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Louis POV
I roll over and fall to the ground with a hard thud. I let out a groan and open my eyes to see I am on the floor. I rub my eyes and sit up to see that I am in Liam, Niall and Zayn's apartment. I look at the time and see that it's just turned 6. We have all planed to be up at around 6:30. We are going to wet and wild today. I love water parks, they are great.
I hear a noise coming from the kitchen and make my way over there. I see Niall sitting at the table eating some cereal.
"Good morning." I say walking over to where the cereal is.
"Morning and there is no more cereal." Niall says making me frown.
"Why are you up so early?" I question Niall.
"Just thinking." He replies playing with his cereal. I walk over to him and lean on the other side of the bench.
"About?" I ask.
"Ella... Do you think she likes me?" He asks concerned.
"Of course she does." I say and see he still doesn't look reassured. "Hey when you two were in the same room she couldn't take her eyes off you." I say and see Niall go a light pink colour.
"Yes really." I say walking over to the cupboard.
"We are also out of food." Niall says with a mouthful of cereal.
"Of course." I mutter under my breath. "I'm going to get the girls up and get food." I say walking out the kitchen.

I walk out the room and make my way down the hallway and open the door to Dani and my hotel room. I see that the girls are all asleep on the mattress that had been pulled into the lounge room. I walk to the cupboard and see some pancake mix. I smile and grab it out.


Dani's POV
I wake up to the smell of nice cooking food. I open my eyes and see that Caitlin and Ella are still asleep. I sit up and rub my eyes and look around to see where the smell was coming from and who was making it. I stand up and make my way to the kitchen and look through the door as a figure walks past it.

"Aaaahhhhh" I scream, and jump back and so does the figure tripping over and dropping what I believe was a plate that shatters on the floor. I look at the figure and see that it is Louis.
"Fuck." I hear him say as I burst into laughter.
"Oh my God I am so sorry." I laugh walking over to Louis trying not to step on the broken pieces of plate.
"Be careful." Louis says as I step on a piece of glass.
"Oh shit." I say half laughing as I see blood coming out of my foot. I stand on my good foot and lift my other leg up and look at my bloody foot.
"Shit are you alright?" Louis asks concerned as he slowly gets up carefully.
"Yeah I'm fine." I say pulling myself up onto the bench.
"Are you sure?" Louis says standing in front of me. I nod my head and give him a reassuring smile.
"I'm good, could you get me a tissue please." I ask.
"Yeah sure." Louis says turning around and getting me a tissue.
"Louis your bleeding." I say as I see his elbow has blood on it.
"Lets worry about you first." He replies.
"Louis what if you bleed to death, you're loosing a lot of blood." I jokingly say.
"I am not going to bleed to death, don't be ridiculous." He says looking up at me then picks up my foot and wipes a tissue over it. I wince as a pain shoots through my foot. "I need to rinse your foot." Louis says looking to the other side of the room where the sink is.

He wraps an arm around my back and the other under my legs and lifts me up and carefully moves to the other side of the room and places me on the other bench and puts my feet in the sink. I could see him wince in pain. I sit on the bench watching Louis as he cleans the blood off my foot. I look at Louis cut and see that it is actually quite deep.

"Louis your cut is really deep." I say concerned and grab a tissue to wipe away the blood but it is immediately replaced with more. "Louis you might need stitches." I say looking up to look at his face. He shrugs and I frown at him.

"Mor... What happened here?" I hear a Ella's voice say from the door way.

"She yelled so I fell over dropping the plate and both of us got cut." Louis explains.

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