Chapter 5

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Dani's POV

I wake up to music playing, but not my alarm. My alarm plays something I need by one republic but this music was best song ever by the one and only one direction. Then I realise it's my phone, I lean over and go to pick it up. It's not on my bedside table, I get off the bed follow the music, I see it in the docking station and walk up to it half asleep, I get my phone out of the docking station and answer it not even checking who it is.

"Hello?" I say walking back to my bed, I trip over and fall flat on the floor. I let out a groan, and put my head on the floor and place the phone to my ear.

"Dani... Are you ok?" I hear a familiar male voice say, I can't place a face to the voice so I go through voices and faces through my head. "Hello? Dani?" I hear the voice say.

"Uhh yeah sorry, umm who is this?" I say biting my lip.

"Your AMAZING BOYFRIEND LOUIS TOMLINSON!!" I hear him yell through the phone I pull it away from my ear and wait till I can't hear his voice anymore. I smile at the phone and put it back to my ear.

"Louis I just woke up and it's..." I look at my clock and see it's 6:00am. "6, I need hushed voices for a while until I'm awake." I say rolling over so I'm on my back.

"Ok I be quiet." He whispers into the phone.

"Good boy, now why are you calling me so early?"

"To say hello."

"You woke me up half an hour earlier just to say hello?"

"And to ask if you and Caitie wanted to go to breakfast with me and the boys?"

"Yeah sure, where?"

"I'll pick you's up. I'll be like 10-15 minutes." He hangs up and I pull myself off the floor and head to Caitie's room.

Caitie's POV

I hear my door open and look to see who it is, it's darkish in my room and the lights are off so the only light that comes into the house is from the sun.

"Caitie." I hear the familiar voice from Dani call in a whispered yell.

"What?" I look at the time 6:06 whoops I missed out on my jog today. Oh well do I'll do it tomorrow.

"We have to get ready."


"We are going to breakfast and we are getting picked up very soon so get changed." She says then skips away. I pull myself out of bed and put on some dark blue skinnies then a black top on with a dark blue jacket that matches my jeans, I put my converse on they I brush my hair and put it in a side plat. I put on a bit of make up. I walk out of my room and see dani wearing a red top with black skinnies and black 2 inch heel boots.

"I'm ready, we can go now." I say grabbing my phone and my purse.

"No we are getting picked up." She says turning around. I can see she is wearing a bit of make up and she is wearing the necklace that mum gave her. The thought of mum make me a little sad.

"By who?" I say she just gives me a evil smile. The door bell rings and she gets her stuff and grabs me and pulls me down the stairs.

"Calm down." I say yanking my hand out of her grip. She opens the door and louis is there.

"Hey pumpkin." I hear louis say giving dani a kiss. He looks at me and I feel my cheeks going red. "Hey Caitie."

"Hi." I manage to say, I hate being shy it sucks. "Why am I coming? I don't want to intrude on your breakfast date." I turn around only to be grabbed by the wrist and pulled out the door. I turn around and see that there is a black van sitting in front of the drive way.

New In Town (louis tomlinson fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant