Chapter 14

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Louis' POV

I look down at the clock and see dani has been away for an hour. She had left her phone and wallet her so she couldn't of gone far.

"Knock knock." I hear from the door. I look up and see Caitie standing in the door way.

"Hey." I say looking back at the tv.

"What's up?" She says sitting next to me on the couch.

"Not much just waiting for dani to come back." I sigh turning the tv off.

"Where did she go?" Caitie asks, I shrug my shoulders and Caitie gives me a look. "What did you do?" She says with a sigh.

"Well we were talking about the concert and I was saying that she has to sing with us and then she said that she will think about it, and left.... That was an hour ago." I felt pretty shitty about pushing dani to much. "She left her phone and everything, and I have no idea where she could be." I say felling defeated.

"I have an idea on where she could be, come on." Caitie says we stand up and walking to the door.

Caitie's POV

As we walk down a quiet road I realise I have never been around louis by myself, there has always been some one else with us. It was kinda nice but at the same time a little awkward.

"When I was 12, I got a puppy, we named it huffy. It was so cute, dani and I always played with it, this was before we realised she was allergic to dogs. But I remember we were walking the dog around this oval, and dani was making huffy all hypo and was stirring him up." I smile at the memory. "Dani went and bent down next to huffy and he bit her ear." I giggle a little bit. "I remember she wasn't angry at all and wasn't in any pain, she just started laughing, she was like 'he just bit my ear.' It was so funny, her ear was bleeding and everything, we ran around the oval with huffy and dani was holding her ear. A few days later he did the same to me but he didn't make it bleed. And few months later he died. I cried for what felt like ages, dani comforted me the whole time, I don't think she even cried. I think what I'm trying to say is, dani is really strong, she has only cried in like 2 movies her whole life. But she has lots of cracks, and if you push her to much to sing or to do anything that might even slightly crack her even more she will do other one of two things. One she will build her guard up and just shut you out and everyone else around her or two, she will cry, and I mean cry for days. She has only done the second one twice, one when our mum died and two when Alex broke up with her." I look up at louis who looked like he was processing it all. "Just don't push her to hard. Ok." I say patting him on the shoulder. A few minutes pass before anyone says anything.

"So Alex and dani dated." He says, it was totally the last thing I thought he would say.

"Yeah, he dumped her just after mum died... She didn't tell you?" I ask.

"It must of slipped her mind." He says and looking out at the road in front of him. I press my lips together and think I probably shouldn't of said that.

"You know, dani doesn't stop talking about you. Even when we first met you at school she told me about how you made her laugh and how she forgot everything about herself, about her past and how she just felt like a new person. I remember she told me how she felt so embarrassed and that she thinks you though she was just an emotional train wreck... She loves you, you know that right" he nods his head and looks at me. I felt really small next to him.

"Yeah I know, and I love her too and I just feel like an arse for pushing her to sing when she doesn't want to." He says looking at the ground.

"Trust me she wants to sing, at home she has been strumming her guitar and softly sing, she just needs to know that she can do it." I say stopping in front of the cemetery.

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