Chapter 23 - Distraction?

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3rd POV

It was late in the night, just a couple days after the young heroes officially formed their team, four of the teens were snooping in pursuit of a certain ex-sidekick. They wanted to convince the red head to join their team so they joined him in his attack on Brick's smuggling operation

Hyper joined reluctantly as she didn't have the best relationship with the archer, but she didn't want to miss out on any action.

The teens stood in the shadows as Speedy shot an explosive arrow at the large man, causing his gun to explode. Brick quickly instructed his henchmen to open fire on the Speedy, but before they could the four teens got to work.

They immediately stepped in, quickly taking the henchmen down, leaving Speedy to handle the invulnerable man.

"They're giving us a location and they'll be deploying us on covert missions," Robin spoke as they all dodge boulders being hurdled at them, "real missions this time."

"Join us, we can work as a team together!" Aqualad adds on and Speedy scoffs before shooting another arrow Bricks way, immediately trapping him within a thick sludge like substance.

"I don't need adult supervision or a club house to work with you guys. Your whole 'team' sounds like a joke, a distraction to keep you out of trouble," Speedy criticizes harshly, "Hard pass." Hyper immediately rolls her eyes at his words.

"Honestly didn't expect a different answer from you," she mumbles and he sends a glare her way.

"You guys are free to keep playing heroes while the League makes a mockery of you, I won't have any part in it," he says simply before walking away, leaving the four alone with the captive villain.

"So much for getting him on the team," Kid Flash mumbles as a conflicted feeling overcomes the teens before they all went their separate ways.

Elias's POV

After the whole thing with Speedy, I was feeling a little put off. But I tried to push the negative feelings aside as I showed up to the Zeta Tube in Central City. Wally and I were supposed to meet up together so we could head to the Mountain with the others.

Of course, I was left waiting for him again. I looked at the time on my phone, it was already five minutes after the time I told him to meet me there. Just as I was about to shoot him a message I see him turn the corner and come to a stop just inches away from me.

"Only five minutes, that's an improvement from last time," Wally claims with a wink and I roll my eyes as I push him away from my face.

"Whatever, let's go. The other's are probably all waiting, and I'm dying to see M'ghan again!" I whine as I drag him along with me into the door in the alley. We input the location and the tube illuminated, quickly transporting us to the hideout.

We walked out and quickly meet up with Rob who seemed to have arrived just before us. I ran up behind him and swung and swung my arm around his shoulders, since we were basically the same height.

"Hey Rob, any updates on missions," I ask him eagerly and he shakes his head.

"I was just about to ask Aqualad that," he says and as if on cue, Kaldur approaches us. "Have you spoken to Red Tornado yet?" Rob asks him.

"He is supposed to be arriving now actually, we can speak to him as a team," He replies as he gestures towards Superboy and M'ghan who were already waiting.

"Sweet! I'm so ready for a first official mission, let's go!" I cheer enthusiastically as I let go of Rob and jog towards the ramp entrance with the rest of the team following close behind.

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