Chapter 2- Changes

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Some time after the accident, Elias' POV

I was in a half awake state, I couldn't bring myself to open my eyes because they burned so bad. My body burned in every part, I tried to scream and cry in agony but the noises only came out as strangled sobs.

In my painful state I could feel the bright white illumination of a ceiling light through my eyelids. I was aware of my body but I couldn't really move.

I felt the warmth of somebody else holding me in their arms as my body shook with each step they took. My ears were still ringing from the explosion, I couldn't hear anything.

They were running, I could tell from the pace of their steps. I could feel the ground shaking as thunderous explosions erupted from behind us.

Suddenly we stopped moving and I felt a breeze on my face as I could barely make out shouts through the ringing in my ears.

I felt an immense amount of heat coming from the area I assume we came from and I couldn't help but feel fear. Suddenly I felt myself being dropped from the persons arms, only to fall from a long distance and land on something soft.

My head was spinning and my whole body hurt from the landing but I was alive. I was able to barely open my eyes despite my pain and although it was blurry I could see I was on a mattress outside of the school.

In the window of the top floor I could make out the silhouette of a person standing there. Only seconds later fierce blue flames rushed out of the building and they were engulfed by the fire.

I was so overwhelmed with everything, what was happening? Who was that in the building? How am I alive? I'm...really tired. Shit.

Again the exhaustion over took me and my eyes squeezed shut yet again. The pain in my body slowly vanished as did my consciousness.




An obnoxious beeping noise pulled me from the dark abyss of slumber as my eyelids felt lighter. I slowly opened my eyes and instantly my vision was engulfed in bright lights amd blurry shapes.

After blinking a few times the blurry shapes very slowly began to turn into objects.

I saw I was on a thin white bed in a rather small room with blue walls. My eyes darted from left to right and I could make out the shape of a life supports machine beside me and a chair with a person in it on my other side.

It didn't take much for me to realize I was in a hospital room and the panic quickly set in. I brought my arms to my face, wincing loudly when my arms ached from the action.

I felt around my face only to feel what must have been bandages and my breathing accelerated. I noticed my whole body was covered head to toe in the same bandages.

"" I tried to say but my voice was hoarse and my throat burned. I licked my lips as I pried at the bandages wrapped around my head, pulling desperately to remove them despite the pain.

I was able to loosen it and I urgently unraveled the bandage off of my head. My fumbling must have awoken the person sitting on the chair because as I got the bamdage halfway off of my face a hand stopped me and a warm voice quickly comforted me.

"Elias! Oh my god you're awake! Stop baby you shouldn't be moving around so much." The voice hushed me as they took my hands into theirs and I quickly looked up at who the hands belonged to.

I felt a feeling of relief as I realized it was my mom beside me. She quickly pulled me into a gentle hug, minding my injuries. I slowly wrapped my arms around her waist, ceasing my attempts to remove the wrap.

"M-mom...what happened? Why am I covered in bandages..?" I asked her hoarsely and she sobbed quietly at the sound of my voice.

"You got caught in a fire at school, the firemen we able to get you out quick enough but you suffered severe burns on your whole body..." She spoke solemnly as she rubbed her thumb over my bandaged hand comfortingly.

I was so shocked and scared. My instant thought being how bad my burns must look. My breathing quickened again as I pulled my hands from her grasp and began unravelling the bandage from my head.

"No honey! Stop! You should wait for the doctor before you-" My mom attempted to stop me but I continued tearing the bandages from my head until I felt them come off completely.

My mom's jaw dropped and her eyes were wide as saucers she tried to speak but she was at a loss for words.

I frantically looked around for a mirror or something I could use before I saw my phone resting on the table beside me, it was cracked and disformed slightly but it turned on surprisingly.

I opened my camera and gazed at myself expecting the worse. Only to be extremely shocked and relieved to find that my face looked perfectly normal and my hair was at a rather short length.

"W-what? How? Just a few months ago you were so scarred and burnt?" My mom said as tears spilt from her eyes and she wrapped her arms around my head. Thankful for the miracle that I was somehow healed.

"It's a gift from God." She cried as she kissed my head and I began unravelling the rest of my bandages. Finding more and more undamaged skin, I was so confused. But thankful nonetheless.

"Wait Mom, how long have I been out now?" I asked catching her off guard. She went quiet as she removed herself from me.and crouched down to my level to look in my eyes.

"You've been in a coma for three and a half months. We were starting to think you would never wake up." She spoke softly as she caressed my cheek.

My throat tightened, I heard her right. I missed three months of my life. Because of a stupid mistake.

"...heh..I guess that means I missed my assignment deadline." I spoke with a sad smile. Her eyes softened as she pulled me into a tight hug and I let my head rest on her shoulder.

I couldn't help the tears that escaped my eyes as I sobbed quietly. I knew that assignment was a once in a lifetime opportunity, but my dumb ass left it until the last minute.

Now my opportunity is gone.


Dammit all!

I gripped the bandages in my hands tightly until my knucles turned white. I felt nothing but anger towards myself for being so stupid to not take something seriously.

"I screwed up Mom." I spoke shakily as more tears slipped onto her shoulder.

"I really screwed up."

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