Chapter 36 - Afternoon After

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a/n - warning! some potentially graphic and violent descriptions in the beginning of this chapter! skip past dream section if you are uncomfortable!




Hyper/Elias's POV


Where am I?

Oh I'm in a dream...

This is so weird, usually I don't lucid dream. Why am I self aware?

My surroundings were all white, a familiar infinite abyss of blinding light. I looked down at my hands in front of me before touching each of my finger tips together to check if I was dreaming. It certainly seemed like a dream, a lame one at that.

My fingers felt numb as did the rest of my body and my head felt a little foggy, which wasn't unusual to feel in a dream I guess, but the whole experience feels so real.

'Perfect, I've got a crystal clear connection with you,' a warbled voice spoke out from the abyss and my head shot up from my hands as I searched for the owner of the voice.

'Hello? Who's there?' I shout, my voice vibrating and echoing throughout the area. My question was met with silence and my own voice seem to echo forever. As I was about to shout another question, I suddenly felt a force throw my knees forward, causing me to collapse to the ground harshly.

I winced as I felt the pain of my knees colliding roughly with the floor and the numb feeling in my body was quickly replaced with the stinging sensation of pain. I caught myself with my hands, trying to push myself back up from my fall. Before I could even sit up, I felt a foot stomp viscously between my shoulder blades and my face was forced against the cold floor.

I manage to turn my head to the side so my cheek was squished up on the ground. I struggled to try and see who my attacker was, but the lethal force on my upper back prevented me from anchoring my head any further.

'You don't need to know anything except the feeling of being on your knees at the mercy of someone else,' the voice hissed and I couldn't help but make a snarky comment in response.

'Well that sounds both threatening and sexual, which one are you promising. I'd be into both honestly,' I hum back cheekily, only groaning when more force was applied to my spine.

'You're making jokes now, but I'm sure you won't have any more smart comments when you're beneath my foot in the real world,' they threatened as I felt the wind leave my lungs from the amount of pressure on my upper body. The weight on me increased further to the point where I started feeling my ribs compress. The sharp piercing pain of my bones slowly breaking beneath my attackers foot caused me to let out a cry of agony.

With a sickening crack, several of my ribs gave in and I felt the sharp, broken edges piercing my internal organs. The pain was near unbearable and tears began to sting my eyes, I shouted and attempted to writhe away from the person's foot. Another harsh push came from above me and I felt my spine break, and I couldn't breath air into my lungs anymore. Blood began to fall from my mouth as I coughed and wheezed in attempt to refill my lungs.

I thought I was going to die, the pain felt so real, but the numbing feeling from earlier began to return as the abyss slowly fell away from around me.

'It was fun to play with you today, til next time, Elias...' the voice hummed with a sinister laughter and darkness filled my vision.


𝐇𝐘𝐏𝐄𝐑 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐄𝐃 - kid flash x OCWhere stories live. Discover now