Chapter 4- Recovery

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The next few days following the incident with Eli were a little rough, we were all still trying to finish packing and leave for Whistler as soon as possible and the slight tension amongst our family didn't exactly help with our efficiency.

I hadn't brought myself to talk with Eli yet, much less to have a thorough conversation to clarify things with my parents. There was this weird mutual feeling in the house that what happened the other day wasn't something we should bring up until I said so.

Today was supposed to be our last day in the house, everything had been packed into vans and sent on its way to our new house. All that was left was barren rooms left with worn out evidence of our may years here.

Although it terrified me to even think of bringing up the conversation of my newfound abilities, I knew I didn't want to move into our new life with any left over doubts. I also didn't want to deal with awkwardly avoiding Eli's gaze for the entire drive to our new house, but that's less important.

I mean you can't blame me for holding a grudge against him, we've always had our disputes but he's never gone so far as to betray me, even back in those days when he knew I'd hide my DS under my pillow while I'd sleep.

With one last longing glance at my long time room, my long time safe place, and I closed the door for the last time. I slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way downstairs to meet with my family, who were all gathered around our empty kitchen island, standing of course since we had moved the chairs days ago.

I awkwardly shuffled my way up between my brother and my parents, who all looked at me in anticipation for me to speak. With a sigh I started the conversation, "so...I didn't really want the car ride to be super awkward or whatever so I wanted to talk about what happened the other day."

I could feel my brother tense up uncomfortably beside me, most likely out of guilt as he should be. I took in a deep breath before breaking the silence again, "I just want to say that I don't really understand what happened at all, and I don't expect you guys to either."

"I'm mostly just scared about what's going to happen, everything has been so crazy these last few months and I guess I was just overwhelmed when Eli basically outed me to everyone," I spoke shakily and everyone's eyes narrowed on Eli, who immediately shrunk into himself.

"But I forgive Eli, I know he was probably just excited and stupid. I just hope that this doesn't change how you all feel about me, I'm still your daughter, even with these freak abilities. But I understand if you'd be scared of me and send me to be experimented on or something," I mumbled, my voice slowly growing quiet as I spoke.

Almost immediately my mom placed her hand softly on my shoulder, prompting me to look up at her. Her eyes held sympathy and concern, but not necessarily fear or anger like I anticipated her to feel.

"Elias, we're just worried about you. We know better than anyone how hard this year has been on you, we'd never dream to put you through something awful just because you're different. Regardless of if you're 'normal' or not, you're still our daughter, that'll never change," my mom spoke with sincerity in her voice and I felt my throat clench as tears began to well up in my eyes.

"We're here to support you through this, whatever you need. Plus if anything, these new abilities open new opportunities, right? I mean you've always wanted to be a superhero, and now you've got the super part down haha," My dad joked as he reached over my mom to pat my head. A genuine smile creeped onto my face as I felt the weight lift off of my shoulders.

"Yeah you're right I guess, but I think I'd like to do my best to live a normal life for a little while if that's okay?" I asked as my tears slipped down my cheeks and my mom gently wiped them away with her hand.

"Of course, we can keep this as our secret," she spoke with a smile.

"I mean some of us can," my dad said as he shot a glance at my brother who smiled sheepishly in response. I let out a soft chuckle before my mom pulled me into an embrace.

"Things are definitely going to change, but we will do our best to be there for you every step of the way," she spoke and my dad nodded in agreement before wrapping his arms around me. My sister ran over to hug my legs while my brother was hesitant to partake in the hug, but after I gave him a soft smile to tell him all was forgiven, he joined in.

Every doubt and overwhelming thought I felt just minutes ago had vanished as I basked in the moment of serenity I felt with my family. For what felt like the first time in forever, I was at peace.

"Thanks, guys."

With that we parted and made our way out of the house. As I sat in the back of the van, peering out the window at our now old house, I felt excited for what was to come. Maybe my dad was right, these new abilities could open new opportunities.

In that moment I was more than ready to start my new life.

Finally got to revising this one, people suddenly started adding this story to their reading lists so now I feel bad for leaving the crappy chapters unedited LOL. Look out for my slow and spontaneous updates in the next little while.

Also this story's at 69 votes lol

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