Chapter 15 - Captivity

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a/n - all chapters onward are edited!

Hyper/Elias's POV

...what happened? Shit, my head hurts. I feel a ringing in my ears along with the splitting headache, and I feel a sense of nostalgia from the pain. I can distinctly remember the burning sensation I felt when I was caught in the accident, along with feeling of being pulled from the flames by a person.

In my limbo state I could see the flurry of images from fading in and out of consciousness when I was rescued, then I caught a glimpse of a face. I couldn't make out anything other than a large birth mark on the bottom of their chin.

...the person who saved my life, I never realized I saw their face.

Suddenly, the images in my mind became distorted and the headache became more aggressive than before. I became aware of my body as I began to regain consciousness.

"You must awaken, NOW!"

My eyes shot open and the headache subsided. I was quick to realize our current situation and remember the events that lead to our capture. I saw was being held in a giant pod and my limbs were restrained.

Immediately, I jerk my head around to check to see if my friends were okay.

A wave of relief flooded over me when I saw that everyone was here, albeit restrained in the same kind of containment as me. I was even more pleased to see Wally was already awake and being a nuisance as usual.

"What do you want? Quit staring at me!!" He snapped at the clone from before. Oh yeah...that's the asshole who got us captured in the first place.

"Hyper, you're awake!" Wally shouted, finally noticing I'm awake. I offer him a weak smile and a restrained thumbs up.

"You bet your ass I am, you know it takes more than one knockout to kill me," I joked half heartedly and Superboy immediately shifts his focus to me. "If you're back for round two I am going to tell you right now that I forfeit. You fight dirty," I tell him while putting my hands up in defense.

"She's back alright." Wally says jokingly while shooting me a side smile, I send a wink back in response. During our interaction, I hear Aqualad talking to Superboy, I couldn't hear what he was saying from in his pod but it must've been important because it got the clone to speak.

"What if I wasn't?" The boy said suddenly and I instantly whipped my head around to look at him.

"Say what?" I call out in surprise, his eyes flicker to mine for a moment before returning to Aqualad's.

"He can talk?" Wally says and I mentally face palm myself at his insensitive words. I would've actually face palmed if I wasn't currently spread out like a starfish.

"Yes he can!" Superboy barks with a glare and we all exchange worried glances.

"At least I didn't call him an it!" He says in defense. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at his stupidity.

"Congrats, dumbass! I think we know who is going to be the first to get fried!" I cheer at him sarcastically and Superboy shifts his focus to me again.

"Umm hi again...this is a lot of very awkward eye contact, buddy. If you're gonna fry anyone you should get the one in red and yellow first," I say cheekily and Wally shouts in disagreement.
Aqualad got Superboy's attention again and the continued to inquire about his circumstances and our situation. I took this time to examine the room we were placed in, to see if there was any potential for us to escape. The containers holding us showed no way of being opened from the inside, not that I even could since all my limbs were bound.

I was starting to regret not paying attention to Barry when he talked about high frequency vibration and moving through solid objects. Suddenly my regretful thoughts were interrupted by a door opening from the side of the room.

"No they won't, they will be rather...busy," This scientist from before said maliciously as he walked in with Guardian and the woman I had crashed into earlier. "Start the cloning procedure." He told the woman as she walked to a machine and began to pushing buttons on the screen.

"Pass, the Batcave is crowded enough." Rob said and I chuckled at his snarky comment.

"Hey Jimmy Neutron, if you clone me can I get a few minutes alone with it so I can make out with myself?" I asked him and he scoffed at my request.

"Really? That's what you're worried about right now?" Wally asked and I shrugged.

"You didn't judge Rob for his concerns, respect my priorities," I hummed, trying to ease the tension of our current situation.

Aqualad pleaded for Superboy to help us, but before he could get another word in Guardian began to take Superboy back to his pod. The clone fought his commands but a G-gnome climbed onto his shoulder and took control of his mind.

"See, you aren't a real boy, you are a weapon and you belong TO ME...well, Cadmus." The scientist said harshly and Superboy walked out the door to return to his pod.

"Shit, there goes our chance of escaping," I hiss as I watched Supeyboy disappear down the hallway, my positive attitude slowly seeping away as the reality of our situation began to overwhelm me.

I heard some mechanical shifting and needle like devices emerged from the inside of the pod, my heart immediately dropped. Anything but fucking needles.

"Don't do this!" I shout pleadingly as I thrash around desperately in my restraints. "God- please! No! Stop- AGH!" I scream in agony as the needles puncture my skin and electricity surges through my body...

hey guyss! so I'm still on the fence about what I will be doing with earlier chapters but as of rn I'm just going to continue updating and adding parts.

I'm leaning towards re-editing most of the old chapters for plot reasons (also I absolutely despise the way a lot of them are written) just so that this story can be more enjoyable for everyone!

Also I might make the story more aesthetically pleasing cause the cover is lowkey ass lolol

If you got anymore recommendations or anything feel free to comment, I'll try to update semi regularly or wtv. Peace babes <3

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