Chapter 1

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"Can I stay here, please." Finley begged. Kelly looked annoyed at him. "Listen buddy, I have a lot to do at the moment there is one operation after the other and..." Kelly said but didn't came any further because the operation alarm went on again. "Squad 3, Truck 81, Ambulance 61, car crash, Highway 398" Finley took a few steps to the side. Kelly ran out of his office and into the vehicle hangar, put on his gear and got into the Squad. When Finley came into the vehicle hangar they were driving away. Ritter and Herrmann saw that the two had argument again. "He's calming down again." Herrmann tried to comfort him. "All I wanted was that he listened to me for a minute" Finley said. When the others returned, Finley was sitting at the table doing his homework. "I told you that I have a lot to do and that I have no time." Kelly said annoyed. "Yeah, I know you never have time for me." Finley said glaring at him. Finley packed his stuff and tried to hold back his tears. At the door he turned around again. "Thanks for helping me with my homework." Finley said to Herrmann and Ritter and glared at Kelly again. "Anyone here would be a better brother than you." Then he pushed the door open and disappeared before Kelly could say something.

"Kelly, would you come to my office for a minute" Chief Boden said. Kelly followed him. "Close the door and take a seat." the Chief said. "Look Chief, I know what you want to say, but I can explain it." Kelly said. "Okay, then explain it to me" Boden said. Kelly considered and Chief Boden knew he had no answers. "Kelly, what's going on, Finley used to walk in and out of here every shift and now I have the feeling you don't want to see him anymore." Boden said. "It's not that I don't want to see him anymore, it's just that I'm scared to lose him." Kelly said. "Why should you lose him?" Boden asked confused. "You saw it by yourself today how many missions we had and the whole thing with the fire investigation from the last fire, I just don't have the time to take care of Fin." Kelly said. "But you know that we are here for you, we've known Fin for a few years now and he's part of the family as well." Boden smiled. Kelly looked at him and nodded. "You know what, as far as I know, has Fin soccer practice tonight, why don't you pick him up?" the Chief suggested. "What if a mission comes?" Kelly asked. "You don't have to worry about that tonight" Boden said. Kelly nodded and before he left the office he turned around again. "Thanks Chief."

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