Chapter 47

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When Finley came down to the kitchen the next morning, there was a yellow envelope on the kitchen table. "Good morning." Finley said and yawed. "Good morning, did you sleep well?" Kim asked. "Yeah, but I'll be glad to get my bed back." Finley said. "The envelope on the table is for you." Jay said. "Okay, what is it?" Finley asked. "We don't know, Voight gave it to us." Adam said. Finley opened the envelope and a photo came out. "Voight said that it's all over now." Jay said. "Are that your friends from back then?" Kim asked. Finley nodded and taped the photo on the fridge. "How old have they been? The two boys?" Kim asked. "Harvey was 4 and his little brother Henry was 2." Finley said, wiping the tears from his eyes. "It was their father." Jay said. "What?" Finley asked. "The man you saw was the father of the boys, Annabelle broke up with him because he was becoming increasingly violent." Jay explained. "And why did they have to die?" Finley asked with a shaky voice. "He never gets over the breakup and when he saw Annabelle with someone else, the fuses must have blown." Jay said. "So, why did Harvey and Henry have to die?" Finley asked. "Voight spoke to the boy's grandparents again and they told him it was planned that boys would come to them, but they had to cancel at short notice because they had a broken pipe." Jay said. "So, if the broken pipe hadn't been happening, would Harvey and Henry still be alive today?" Finley asked. Jay nodded and Finley took a deep breath and wiped the tears from his face. Kim hugged him. After Finley had calm down, they ate breakfast and Kim, Adam and Jay went to work and Finley took a shower. When Kelly, Stella, Matt and Sylvie got home, Finley was sitting on the couch watching Finding Nemo on Disney+. Kelly and Finley went fishing together that afternoon. "How are your wedding preparations going?" Finley asked, throwing it fishing rod into the river. "That's one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you." Kelly said, throwing his fishing rod into the river as well. "Oh, oh, don't you say you've changed your mind." Finley said. "No, don't worry." Kelly laughed. "Okay, so what's it about?" Finley asked, getting a Coke for himself and a beer for Kelly from the cooler. "What do you think of being my best man at the wedding?" Kelly asked and Finley choked on his Coke. "Are you serious?" Finley asked still coughing a bit. "Sure, you're my little brother and I would like to have you by my side that day." Kelly smiled. "Okay, yeah, I'll do it." Finley smiled. Kelly gave him a kiss on his cheek and hugged him. "Hey, what's going on?" Kelly asked when he noticed that Finley wouldn't let go of him. "What if I do something wrong?" Finley asked. "What do you mean?" Kelly asked. "What if I hurt the baby?" Finley asked. "Hey, that's what we're here for, we're here to help and if you want, we can ask the midwife if she'll do some exercises with you next time she visits." Kelly smiled. The two brothers spent the whole afternoon on the boat, but none of the fish caught. When the two got back in the car, Finley listened to Kelly's voice mail and looked at his brother in shock. "What is it?" Kelly asked, worried. "That was Sylvie, Stella is in Med." Finley said and Kelly drove off. When the two arrived at Med, Maggie sent them upstairs. "Hey, what happened?" Kelly asked. Matt shrugged his shoulders. "She suddenly had pain in her abdomen, the doctors are with her right now." Sylvie said. When Will and April finally came out of the room, Kelly stood up? "Well?" Kelly asked, worried. "Stella is doing better, the baby probably wanted to come a little earlier, but it has probably changed its mind in the end." Will smiled. "What does that mean?" Kelly asked. "She will have to stay here for the rest of her pregnancy, but you can come and see her anytime." April said. "How's the baby doing?" Kelly asked. "Everything's okay, don't worry." April smiled. "Hey Fin, are you coming?" Kelly asked, but when he turned around, Finley was gone. "Where did he go?" Sylvie asked. "I'm going to look for him." Kelly said. "No wait, you go to Stella, we will look for Finley." Sylvie said. When Matt and Sylvie came outside, they saw Finley sitting on a wall in front of Med. "Hey, are you all right?" Sylvie asked and sat down next to him. Finley quickly wiped the tears from his face. "It's all my fault." Finley said in a shaky voice. "What do you mean?" Matt asked, kneeling down. "If I hadn't asked Kelly if he went fishing with me, it might not have happened at all." Finley said. "Hey, you mustn't blame yourself now, you couldn't have prevented it." Sylvie said. "Hey, Stella and the baby are fine, Stella will just stay in the hospital now, but you can go see her anytime." Matt said. "And who guarantee that Kelly will continue to care about me after the babies are born?" Finley asked. "I guarantee you it." Kelly said, who has now come outside. "We'll leave you two alone." Sylvie said, kissed Finley's forehead and went back inside with Matt. Kelly sat down on the wall with Finley. "The babies, you know they'll be twins?" Kelly asked. "There is disadvantage in having the bedrooms all on the same floor." Finley said. "Or in our case, right next to each other, you heard us." Kelly said. Finley nodded. "And the gender?" Kelly asked. Finley shook his head. "And it should stay that way." he said. "So, how the hell do you think I'm not interested in you anymore?" Kelly asked. "You have to take care of two babies soon, there is for sure no more room for me." Finley said. "Okay, whoever you are, give me my brother back right now." Kelly said. Finley turned away from him. "Okay, then just listen to me, even if there will be two more be two more children in my life, I will continue to be there for you whenever you need me, I will still continue to go fishing with you or drive you to your soccer games, nothing will change between us, I'm still your big brother, I promise you that." Kelly said. Finley wiped the tears from his eyes. "Hey, if you don't have any plans for tomorrow, what do you think if the two of us go on a little trip to your new school?" Kelly asked. Finley frowned at him. "Your new assistant principal called me and suggested that we get a first overview so that you don't get lost on your first day of school." Kelly said. Finley nodded. "Come here, it's alright." Kelly said and hugged him.

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