Chapter 49

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1 week later

Spring breaks are over and Finley has his first day of school at his new school. When Finley and Mr. Allen walked into the classroom all the students were already in their seats. "May I have your attention, this is Finley Severide, he's going to be in your class from today." Mr. Allen said. "Hello Finley, I'm Mrs. Campbell, welcome to our school, you can sit between Jordan and Nolan." Mrs. Campbell smiled. Finley sat down and Mrs. Campbell began class. At lunch, Finley was sitting alone at a table, poking around in his food when two boys came to his table. "Hey, are there two seats left here?" one of the boys asked. Finley looked up and nodded. "Your name is Finley, isn't it?" the other boy asked. Finley nodded slowly. "I'm Landon this is my brother Devon, we're in the same class." Landon introduced himself and his brother. "Oh, sorry, I haven't seen you guys yet." Finley said. "It's okay, except Mrs. Campbell nobody sees us in the class anyway." Devon said. "What do you mean?" Finley asked puzzled. "Well, our classmates ignore us because we have two Dads." Landon explained. "Ah, oh ok and what's so bad about that, I also know two who works with my brother who are gay." Finley said. "Well, they say we're not a real family." Devon said. "Exactly, you don't belong here at all, nobody wants you here." a boy said and a few other boys start laughing. "Leave us alone, James." Devon said. "What's your problem?" Finley asked, getting up and standing right in front of James. "It's none of your business, newbie." James said and pushed Finley away. James tossed Landon's food tray on the floor. "You better leave them alone, now." Finley said in an aggressive tone. "Or what?" James asked and grabbed his collar and Finley tried to fight back.

At Firehouse 51, the men and women were just returning from a call when Kelly's phone rang. "Yes, that's me... yeah, my brother...okay, I'm on my way." Kelly said. "What's going on?" Cruz asked. "Finley had a fight at school." Kelly said. "Today is his first day at the new school and after half a day he already is in trouble, I guess that's a new record." Otis joked. Everyone looked at him and his smile vanished. "What happened?" Shay asked. "I have no idea, but I have to go, I'll be back in a few minutes." Kelly said and left the station. When Kelly arrived at Finley's school, his brother was sitting in front of the principal's office, staring at the floor. "Finley Blake Severide, what the hell were you thinking." Kelly said in a sharp tone. "Kelly, hey." Finley said nervously. "Take your stuff and wait by the car." Kelly said. "But Kel." Finley tried a second time. "Go to the car, now!" Kelly said and pointed to the school exit. Finley bowed his head and did what Kelly told him. Kelly knocked on the office door and entered. "Ah, Mr. Severide, I wish our first meeting would be for a better reason, but Finley had a fight today with a classmate, for reasons as yet unexplained, we had to separate the two." the principal, Mr. Thompson explained. "Look, I assure you that this behavior will not be tolerated at all and I'll talk to my brother about it." Kelly said and shook hands with Mr. Thompson. "Thank you, I wish you a nice day anyway." Mr. Thompson said and Kelly left the office.

Finley sat in the car pouting all the way to the firehouse. When they arrived at the firehouse, they got out of the car and went inside. "Hey, what happened?" Shay asked. Finley glared at her. "Go to my office, I'll be right there and then we'll talk about it." Kelly said. "Oh, now all of a sudden you want to know, 5 minutes ago you didn't give a shit what happened." Finley snapped at him. "To my office, now!" Kelly said in a sharp tone. Finley glared at him and went to Kelly's office. "What going on with him?" Shay asked again. "Finley must have had a fight with a classmate, I don't know why." Kelly explained and went to his office as well. Kelly pulled down the blinds and sat at his desk. "Fin, what happened, I don't even know you like that." Kelly said with a worried voice. Finley was sitting on Kelly's bed, nervously playing with his hands. "Hey, I'm sorry that I don't listen to you earlier, but I promise you, I will be listening now, come on, what happened." Kelly said and sat down on the bed next to Finley and put his arm around Finley's shoulders. "I'm sorry." Finley said with a shaky voice and leaned his head on Kelly's chest. "Hey, it's okay, just tell me what happened, I promise you, I won't get mad." Kelly said in a calm voice and kissed Finley's head. "James made fun of 2 boys, who were sitting with me at the table because they have 2 Dads. He said they weren't a real family. Then I told him to leave them alone and then he grabbed me at my collar." Finley explained. Kelly stroked through his hair. "He started; I was just trying to fight back." Finley said. "Yeah, I believe you, but you have to promise me that this won't happen again, okay." Kelly said and Finley nodded.

When Kelly was back with Stella at Med on his day off, there was a knock on the door. "Hey, what are you up to?" Stella asked when April came into the room with a wheelchair. "We have a little surprise for you." April smiled and helped Stella into the wheelchair. "Okay, you're frightening me a little, can't you just tell us what's going on?" Stella asked. "I'm sorry, but otherwise it wouldn't be a surprise anymore and your brother would kill me." April said. They stopped in front of the chapel. April knocked on the door and a few seconds later, Finley poked his head through the door. "Hi." he said and let them enter. "What did you do?" Kelly asked. "I haven't done anything, at least not yet, I just didn't like the statement Mrs. Kidd and Mr. Severide, so I figured we'd make it a Mr. and Mrs. Severide before the twins arrive." Finley explained. Kelly ruffled his hair. "I know it's exactly what you imagined, but..." Finley said, but was interrupted. "We love it." Stella smiled. "Phew and now let's go, I have a date later." Finley smiled, grabbed Kelly's hand and pulled him to the altar. Chaplain Orlovsky performed the wedding ceremony. After the wedding, everyone went back to Stella's room. "Where did you get the idea for the 'hospital wedding' from?" Jay asked. "Well, I guess I'm just watching too much TV." Finley said, scratching the back of his head. They talked for a little. Finley checked his phone display. "I have to go; the boys are waiting for me." he said and grabbed his jacket. "I thought you said you're going on a date?" Adam asked. Finley rolled with his eyes. "No, it's not what you think, I'm just meeting the boys at the mall and the boys are get to know my two new friends, Landon and Devon." Finley smiled. "What are you doing at the mall?" Kelly asked. "Just hang out, I don't know where you hung out when you were my age, but my generation are meeting at mall's or in the city Centre." Finley said and gave Stella a kiss on her cheek. "When will you be home?" Kelly asked. "For dinner, but probably sooner." Finley said, gave Kelly a kiss on the cheek as well and left the room.

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