Chapter 4

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They ran to the house and Atwater kicked the door down. It was dark inside. With their guns raised, they made their way from room to room. "clear" Jay said. "clear" Adam said. "No one's here" Olinsky said "I need an ambulance down here, right now." Kim said over the radio. Jay and Adam ran down to the Basement and Voight called for an ambulance. Finley was lying on the floor with to gunshot wounds in his stomach. Kim was pressing the wounds with her scarf when Adam and Jay joined her. When the ambulance arrived, Voight went with them to the basement, while Antonio and Erin tried to hold Kelly back. "We have to go to Med, right now!" the paramedic said. "Can I go with you, he's my brother." Kelly asked with tears in his eyes. "Yes, of course, you can ride in the back, but we really have to go." the paramedic said. "We'll give you an escort" Voight said waving his team into their cars. "We're right behind you." Cruz said. He told Chief Boden what happened over the radio. Kelly was holding Finley's Hand the whole time. When they arrived at Med, they were already expected. "Rhodes go to Baghdad." Maggie said. "10-year-old boy with two gunshot wounds in his stomach, has lost a lot of blood, he's in critical condition" the paramedic explained to Connor. "We have to take him to the operating room, right now!" Connor said. Kelly watched from the outside and tears streaming down his face. "We have to take him to the operating room, we do everything we can to save him, I promise." Connor said. "Ok, everyone, listen up" Chief Boden said. "Cruz just called me, Finley was shot, he has an emergency surgery right now, but he's in critical condition." Everyone was shocked and really worried about Finley. "I've signed off 51 for the rest of the shift, so everyone can go to Med." Boden said. When they arrived at Med Capp, Cruz, Toni and everyone from Intelligence were sitting in the waiting room while Kelly nervously walked up and down. "How's it going?" Matt asked. "He's still in surgery" Cruz said. "I should have picked him up from school then none of this would have happened." Kelly said. "You mustn't blame yourself; nobody could have suspected that this would happen." Matt said and Stella hugged him. "Do we know, who did it?" Otis asked. "We found him in his parent's house in the basement." Capp said. "They better never show up again because I will kill them if I get them." Kelly said. "You won't do anything; Finley will need you right by his side when he's awake." Boden said. "Yes, if" Kelly said. "He'll wake up again, he's in good hands, you know that." Stella smiled. Then the door opened and Rhodes came out. "Finley's surgery went well, we were able to stop the bleeding and he will fully recovery." Connor said. Everyone took a deep breath and Kelly sat down. "Can I see him." Kelly asked. "Yeah sure, but give us some minutes, we're taking him to the intensive care and I tell April to get you as soon as he's awake." Connor said.

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