Chapter 26

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After shift, Kelly went to the hospital with Matt to see Isael. "Hey boys." Will said. "Hey, how's the little one?" Kelly asked. "Much better, we want to keep him here one night for observation, but tomorrow he can leave the hospital, do you already know where he's staying?" Will asked. "Yes, he can stay with us until his parents are located in Venezuela." Matt said. "Cool, does Fin know?" Will asked. "Yes, we told him yesterday, but he wasn't really thrilled, but it's only temporary." Kelly said. "Can we see him?" Matt asked. "Sure, you know where." Will said. Kelly and Matt went to Isael's room. "Good morning, buddy, you remember us?" Kelly asked. Isael nodded. "How are you?" Matt asked. "Good." Isael said softly. "Look, Will said you can leave the hospital tomorrow, what do you think if you stay with us until we found your parents?" Kelly asked. Isael nodded excitedly. A few hours later, Matt left the hospital and Kelly stayed with Isael. When Finley came home after soccer practice that evening, Kelly wasn't home yet. "Where is Kelly?" Finley asked. "He's staying in the hospital with Isael overnight." Stella said. "Okay, then can one of you sign this?" Finley asked. "Yeah sure, I'll sign it." Stella said. After dinner, Finley did his homework and played a video game before going to bed. When Kelly got home with Isael the next morning, Finley was already in school. "You want something for breakfast?" Kelly asked. Isael nodded. Kelly made some pancakes and sat down at the table with Isael. When Kelly came home from school that afternoon, Stella and Sylvie were sitting with Isael on the couch and watching a movie. "Hey Fin, how was school?" Sylvie asked. "Good." Finley said, eyeing Isael. "That's Isael, we told you about him." Stella said, putting her arm around Isael. "Is he sleeping in my room?" Finley asked. "No, this time you keep your room all by yourself, he's sleeps in the guest room." Sylvie smiled. Finley looked at Isael. "Would you like a stuffed animal for the night?" Finley asked. Isael nodded shyly. Finley took his hand and went upstairs to his room and got 3 boxes out of his closet. "Here, you can pick whatever you want." Finley smiled and sat on his bed. Isael rummaged through the boxes and took out a black stuffed dog and a white stuffed bunny. "Good choice." Finley laughed and went back downstairs with Isael. When Kelly and Matt got home, they had some great news for Isael. "The police in Venezuela found your parents, they will land in Chicago tomorrow evening." Kelly said. For dinner, they ordered Pizza from their favorite pizzeria and watched some movies on Disney+.

The next morning Kelly took Finley to school and then drove with Isael to the station. While the men and women were in the conference room, Isael had breakfast in the common room. After the meeting everyone came into the common room and ate breakfast as well. When Finley came to the station that afternoon, they hadn't had any calls yet. "You should be glad, that there are no calls for ones." Finley laughed and regretted his statement a few seconds later. "Squad 3, Ambulance 61, car crash, Highway 125." For that, Finley had to take a slight nudge from his brother. "I'll give you some well-intentioned advice, never say anything like I just did because you'll regret it afterwards anyway." Finley said, rubbing his shoulder. "You're already back." Finley said, when they came back into the common room a few minutes later. "Yes, it was a false alarm, they had everything under control when we arrived there." Cruz said and sat down at the table. "You know what, before I say something wrong again, I'll go to your office and start with my homework." Finley said. "Hey, is everything good between us?" Kelly asked when he walked into his office. "What do you mean?" Finley asked. "Well, you've been hiding in your room more often than usual the last couple days." Kelly said. "I just wanted to try something." Finley said. "And what?" Kelly asked. "You were focused on Isael that much the last few days, I just wanted to see what happens with me when you're a dad one day." Finley said. Kelly sat down next to Finley on the bed and hugged him. "One day for sure, and then, I'll need my little brother by my side." Kelly smiled. "I'm not going to be your babysitter." Finley said. "We'll see that when the time comes, hey look at me, no matter what, you'll always be my little brother and I'll always be there for you whenever you need me." Kelly smiled. Finley nodded and wiped the tears from his face. "I found the ring in your desk, when will you propose to her?" Finley asked. "As soon as the right time comes." Kelly said. "Boys, are you coming, Isael's parents are here." Stella said. When Kelly and Finley came into the common room, Isael was sitting on his mother's lap. Finley sat down on the table and Kelly leaned against the wall behind his brother. "You must be Kelly, Isael has already told us a lot about you." Isael's mother Claudia said. "Yes, he's the best." Finley smiled and Kelly kissed his head. They talked for a few hours before it was time for Isael and his parents to go to the airport. "Again, thank you all very much for taking care of Isael." Claudia said. "No problem." Kelly smiled. Isael hugged Kelly goodbye and gave Finley a high Five. "How do you get to the airport?" Chief Boden asked. "We'll call a taxi." Isael's father Miguel said. Chief Boden looked at Kelly and he knew what his chief was thinking. "Come on, we'll drive you to the airport." Kelly said. "But that wouldn't be necessary, besides you have to be ready for calls." Claudia said. "Forget it, if the chief gives an order, no one can contradict him, trust me." Finley smiled and everyone laughed.

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