Chapter 21

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"Casey, the top floors are empty." Kelly said over the radio. "Okay, then come down to us, we have a room here that we can't open and there are still people in there." Matt said. When they joined the others, Jimmy and Otis were trying to pry open the doors with the Halligan. "Capp, Toni, we need the automatic door opener." Kelly said to his colleagues. "Copy that, Lieutenant." Capp said and went outside with Toni to get the tools. "Squad 2, Truck 81, I need a report!" came Gorsch's voice over the radio. "The doors of one room won't open, we need a moment here." Matt said. "Then I would get the right tools for it." Gorsch said. Kelly and Matt looked at each other. Capp and Toni are already on their way." Kelly said. "Is he serious?" Matt asked his best friend. A few minutes later, they finally get the door open and the guests stumbled out. "I need a report." Gorsch said, but he got no answer. "Report, now!" he repeated, but no one answered. At that moment the guys from Squad and Truck came outside with the guests. "The hotel is evacuated." Matt said. Gorsch nodded. "All right, then clean up and go back to the station." Gorsch said and the others looked at him horrified. "What about the fire?" Mills asked. "Yes, I meant afterwards." Gorsch stuttered and went to his car. "Herrmann, you're turn, let's go." Matt said. "All right, Captain, so you heard him, let's go." Herrmann replied.

"So how was the call?" Boden asked when they returned. "This time, it was worse than last time." Mills said. "Yes, last time it was just an evacuation, this time he wanted to end the call without putting out the fire." Borrelli said. "The guy is still completely overwhelmed." Otis said. Boden looked at Kelly and Matt, who were just coming through the door. "How was it for you?" Boden asked. Matt and Kelly looked at each other. "The guy wanted to leave the scene and just wanted to let the building burning down." Kelly said. "Please, you mustn't let him lead any more calls, he was completely overwhelmed." Matt said. "I don't know, what I should put in my report now." Kelly said, looking at his best friend. "Yeah, me too." Matt said and they went to their office. When Chief Boden was back in his office a few minutes later, Gorsch came in. "Didn't your men learn from last time?" Gorsch asked angrily. Boden took off his glasses and leaned back in his chair. "The two Lieutenants should receive a warning for not reporting despite being to do so." Gorsch said and put the file on the table for him. Stella knocked at Kelly's office door. "Hey, did you hear something from Cindy?" Stella asked. "Yes, she sent me a message earlier, Finley is a little better, he still has a fever and his stomach still hurts, but at least he didn't have to throw up again." Kelly said. "That's good, at least some good news today." Stella smiled and kissed him. "I'm so proud of you, Finley couldn't ask for a better brother than you." she smiled. "Thank you" Kelly smiled and kissed her too.

They had 2 more calls before the end of the shift. When Kelly arrived with Herrmann, Finley was still in bed. "How is he doing?" Kelly asked. "His fever has risen a little again, but he's stomach ache is as good as gone and he didn't throw up since yesterday, he even ate dinner with us last night, not much but better than nothing." Cindy said. "Is he upstairs?" Kelly asked. "Yes wait, I'll get him." Cindy smiled and went upstairs. "Hey Fin, Kelly is here now." Cindy said. Finley stretched while Cindy packed his stuff. "Hey buddy, how are you?" Kelly asked. Finley rubbed his eyes and shrugged. "Thanks" Kelly said. "No problem, always a pleasure, and Fin, hope you get well soon." Cindy smiled. When the two got home, Finley immediately lay down on the couch. "How's he doing?" Sylvie asked. "He still has a fever, but his stomach feels a bit better, hadn't thrown up anymore and ate dinner last night, not much but better than nothing." Kelly said. "Has he taken something for the fever yet?" Sylvie asked. Kelly shook his head. "I'll get something from the medicine cabinet." Sylvie said and went to the bathroom. Finley has now fallen asleep again. Kelly got the covers from Finley's room and sat at the couch with him.

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