Chapter 24

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A few days later the situation in Chicago calmed down and schools reopened. Kelly brought Finley to school. "Promise me, that you take care of yourself." Finley said before leaving the car. "Sure, you know me." Kelly laughed. "See, that's why." Finley smiled. "Hey, I promise I'll be careful." Kelly smiled and gave him a kiss. Finley got out of the car and went to his friends. "Hey guys." Finley greeted his friends. "Hey, how did you spend the day off?" Aiden asked. "Kelly took me to the station, he didn't want me to be home alone in a situation like this." Finley said. "It was the same with my parents, I had to do schoolwork at my dad's company." Sarah said. It was no different with the others, all of them had to hold class at their parents' workplace. "You know what, Mrs. Jacquinot informed me, or rather Kelly, that class was taking online." Finley said. "Why that?" Phoenix asked. "Apparently she worked at 51 and caused a lot of trouble there." Finley explained. "Is that why you said, it could be a long school year for you?" Summer asked. Finley nodded. Aiden put his arm around Finley's shoulder. "You know that you don't have to go through it alone." Adan smiled. "Man, you sound like Kelly, I think I won't let you near him anymore." Finley laughed and ran into the school building.

The men and women were eating breakfast at the Firehouse, when the first call came in. "Truck 81, Squad 3, Engine 51, Ambulance 61, Battalion 25, house Fire, North Chicago Ave. 33." They put on their gear and jumped into their trucks. When they arrived at the scene, Boden, Casey, Severide and Herrmann got introduced what happened by the police. "We received an anonymous tip that children are being held in this house. When we got here and saw the smoke, we immediately alerted you." the policeman explained. "Wait, are you saying there are still kids in there?" Kelly asked. "We have to get in there immediately." Herrmann said. Boden assigned 2 floors to Truck and Squad and told Herrmann to set up the water supply with his team. Squad searched floors 3 and 4 and Truck searched floors 1 and 2. "Fire Dept., call out!" the firefighters shouted as they walked from room to room. When Kelly came into a room that looked like a child's room, he heard a faint whimper. "Fire Dept., Report!" Kelly shouted, but the whimper could no longer be heard. "Fire Dept., Report!" he called again. When Kelly was about to leave the room, he heard the whimpering again. Kelly looked around the room and opened a closet door. A little boy hid in the closet who was terrified. "Hey buddy, what's your name?" Kelly asked the scared boy. The boy crawled back a few steps and pressed himself against the wall. "Hey, don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, my name is Kelly." Kelly tried a second time. "Kelly, report, how's it going, everyone is out except you." Boden said over the radio. "Chief, I have a little boy here, who is scared." Kelly said. "Kelly, you have to get him out of there as soon as possible, the smoke is turning black, the building is about to collapse." Boden said over the radio. "Got it, Chief, hey buddy, you come with me, we have to get out of here really quick." Kelly said. The boy gained confidence and slowly walked up to Kelly. "Yes, that's good, come here, nothing will happen to you." Kelly said gently. When the boy was close enough, Kelly picked him up and went outside with him. "Isael." the boy whispered. "What?" Kelly asked. "My name is Isael." the boy said. "Nice to meet you, Isael." Kelly smiled.

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