Chapter 29

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"Chief, do you have a minute?" Matt asked when he walked into the office after the team meeting with Kelly. "Sure, sit down, what's up?" Boden asked. Kelly handed him the letter and Chief Boden read it through. "Yes, headquarters called me and said there was probably something coming up." Chief Boden said, handing the letter back to Kelly. "What's that about?" Kelly asked. "Mrs. Murphy, the mother of Fin's school friend, works at the headquarters and must have messed up something there, station 15 should be closed not 51." Boden explained. "Great and Finley was upset last night and didn't even want to say anything." Kelly said and threw the letter in the trash. Then Stella knocked on the door. "I'm sorry if I interrupt, but someone is waiting in the vehicle hall, who wants to speak to Kelly." Stella said. Kelly went with her into the vehicle hall, where a man was waiting for him. "Hello, are you Kelly Severide?" the man asked. "Yes, that's me and who am I having the pleasure of?" Kelly asked. "My name is Elijah Harrison, I'm from the youth welfare office, can we talk somewhere?" Mr. Harrison said. "Wait a minute youth welfare office?" Kelly asked, puzzled. "Yes, you are Finley Severide's brother, right?" Mr. Harrison asked. Kelly went to his office with Mr. Harrison. "Have a seat." Kelly said. "Thanks, I'll get straight to the point, Finley's teacher called us and said she noticed Finley's arm bruises." Mr. Harrison said. "You now think I hit my brother?" Kelly asked. "I'm sorry, but I can't do anything." Mr. Harrison said. "Finley is 10, of course he has some bruises on his body, didn't you have any bruises when you were 10?" Kelly asked. "That doesn't matter now." Mr. Harrison said. "So, what happens now?" Kelly asked. "Your brother will be picked up from school by the youth welfare office and taken to a foster family." Mr. Harrison said. "Can I at least say goodbye and explain it to him?" Kelly asked. "I'm sorry, but I can't allow that." Mr. Harrison said and left the office. Before leaving, he turned around again. "Try to see it positively, now you can focus on your career and don't have to look after a child." Mr. Harrison grinned. These words made Kelly's blood run cold. "Hey, what did he want?" Stella asked as she walked into his office. "My custody of Fin has been cancelled." Kelly said, still shocked. "What? Why that?" Stella asked, sitting down on the bed next to him. "I am supposed to hit him." Kelly said. "Hey, who was that?" Matt asked, walking into the office. "That was Mr. Harrison from child welfare office." Kelly said. "What did the youth welfare office want from you?" Matt asked. "My custody of Fin has been cancelled; he will be living with a foster family from now on." Kelly said and Matt couldn't believe it. "Why that?" Matt asked. "Apparently I would have hit him." Kelly said. "What, how do they come up with it?" Matt asked, horrified. "The bruises Fin has on his arms, Hope probably thought she had to call the youth welfare office straight away instead of talking to me first." Kelly said. At the same time, Finley was called to the school principal office after class. When Finley entered, Mr. Andres was sitting in his chair behind the desk and his teacher Mrs. Jacquinot and Brittany sitting in front of him. "Finley, take a seat, there is something we want to talk about with you." Mr. Andres said. Finley sat in the empty chair between Hope and Brittany. "Did something happen to Kelly?" Finley asked with a shaky voice. Mr. Andres bowed his head slightly and Hope took his hand. "There was an explosion during a call, I'm so sorry, your brother didn't make it." Hope said. "No." Finley said, tears filling his eyes. "I'm so sorry." Mr. Andres said. "Brittany will take care of you, you will live with her and her son from today." Hope said. "Why can't I stay at home?" Finley asked with a shaky voice. "Because you are no longer wanted at home." Hope whispered in his ear. Brittany put her hand on Finley's shoulder. "Leave me alone, I'm sure you have something to do with it." Finley yelled and ran out of the office. Hope and Brittany looked at each other. "What did he mean with that?" Mr. Andres asked. "I don't know, he's mourning, it can happen that you say something weird when you're mourning." Brittany said. Mr. Andres eyed her. "I'll see where he's gone, are you coming with me?" Hope asked. "Yes, goodbye Mr. Andres and thank you." Brittany said and followed Hope outside. Finley had locked himself in the toilet and was crying. When he heard someone come in, he tried not to make himself noticeable. "Finley, are you in here?" a familiar voice asked. Aiden knocked on the closed toilet door. "Hey Fin, are you in there, it's me Aiden." he asked. Finley opened the door slowly. "Hey, what happened?" Aiden asked when Finley came out. "They said Kelly died during a call." Finley sobbed, wiping the tears from his face. "What?" Aiden asked terrified. "When I got to Mr. Andres office, Mrs. Jacquinot and Brittany were sitting in his office and told me that." Finley said. "Wait, Brittany, wasn't she the one who wanted you to stay away from Kelly?" Aiden asked. Finley nodded. "She must have something to do with it." Aiden said. "The worst thing is, I have to live with her now because the others supposedly want me with them anymore." Finley said, wiping the tears from his face again. "Come on, the others are waiting outside, everything will be fine, we will find out for you whether this is all true or not." Aiden smiled and went with Finley to the school yard, where Hope, Brittany and his friends were waiting for them.

One Chicago FanFic (English)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora