Chapter 35

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"You have to go upstairs; the others are waiting for you." Maggie said when Kelly, Matt, Stella and Sylvie came to the emergency room. Adam, Jay, Kim, Will, Connor and Natalie were waiting in the waiting area in front of the operating room. "What happened?" Kelly asked. "Fin suddenly grabbed my hand." Kim said. "What does that mean?" Sylvie asked. "We didn't think anything about it because we thought it would be normal in his condition, but then I noticed that he moved both of his hands." Kim explained. "Kelly, you know what that means, Fin will make it, Crockett is currently operating on him, he only has to remove a small part of his lungs, same as with Stella back then." Connor said. "You see, I told you, Fin is a fighter." Stella smiled and hugged Kelly. Kelly paced nervously as they waited for news from the operating room. "The operation went well and he will make a fully recovery." Crockett smiled when he came out of the operating room an hour later. Everyone was relieved. "You can see him right away, but wait a few minutes until he has been brought to the intensive care unit, hey, Fin is lucky to have you." Crockett smiled. "Yes, he really is." Natalie smiled. "I'll get you when we're ready." Crockett said and went to the operating room. "I just need some fresh air." Kelly said and went outside. "Hey, you, okay?" April asked and sat down next to him. "All I cared about was Finley, I thought I was going to lose him." Kelly said. "Fin's lucky to have you in his life, especially after everything he's been through." April smiled. Then Stella joined them. "Kelly, he's awake, Crockett and Connor are with him right now." Stella said.

"Fin, can you hear me?" Connor asked softly and stroked through his hair. Finley opened his eyes slowly. "Hey, how are you feeling?" Connor asked. Finley's eyes filled with tears. "Hey, what's the matter?" Crockett asked. "They said Kelly died during a call." Finley sobbed. "Yeah, I know, but I can assure you, Kelly is fine, he's waiting outside." Connor smiled. "They also said, that you don't want me anymore." Finley sobbed. "And that is not true either, you know that you are like a brother to us and we would never let anything happen to you." Connor smiled and wiped the tears from Finley's face. "Hey, we're going to get Kelly in now, okay?" Crockett asked. Finley nodded and Connor gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Kelly, you can see him now." Crockett said. "He's traumatized, maybe you can calm him down a bit." Connor said and closed the door behind Kelly. When Finley saw Kelly, he tried to sit up, but Kelly gently pushed him back into bed. "Hey, it's all right, stay where you are." Kelly smiled, sat on the bed and stroked through his hair. "I want to stay with you." Finley said and tears rolling down his face. "You will, I won't let anyone stand between us again, I promise." Kelly smiled and kissed his forehead. "Are you staying with me?" Finley asked. "Yeah, sure, come here..., I'm so glad that you're awake." Kelly said and hugged his brother. When Kelly woke up the next morning, Finley was still asleep. "Good morning." Stella said when she came into the room with two coffees. "Good morning." Kelly smiled and kissed her. "How is he?" Stella asked. "Quiet fine, I guess, he's still a bit light-headed and exhausted, but he's certainly better than he was two weeks ago." Kelly said. "How are you?" Stella asked. "I'm just glad it's over and that Fin is awake." Kelly said and looked over to his brother. "I've thought about to take Fin out of the school and send him to a normal school." Kelly said. "Then he would have to start all over again." Stella said. "A restart might not be so bad, after everything that happened." Kelly said. "I don't know, Fin is very attached to the school and he has a lot of friends there." Stella said. "Yeah, I know, it was just a thought." Kelly said. "But maybe you're right too, let's talk about it and see what the others have to say about it." Stella smiled. "Hello Stella." Finley said half asleep. "Hey, good morning, how are you feeling?" Stella asked and sat down on the edge of the bed. "Fine, I guess." Finley said, rubbing his eyes. There was a knock at the door and April came in. "Well, you're all up, good morning." April smiled. "Morning." Finley said. "You sound like you've just woken up, how are you feeling?" April laughed. "Fine, I guess." Finley said. "Yeah, he woke up seconds before you came in." Kelly smiled and took a sip of his coffee. "I'm supposed to take some blood to see if everything is fine." April said. "Okay." Finley said and grabbed Stella's hand. Kelly took a chair, sat next to him and stroked through his hair. After April left the room, Matt and Sylvie visited Finley. "Hey, what happened?" Sylvie asked when she saw that Finley was crying a little bit. "April just took some blood from him, but he was really brave, but otherwise he's fine." Kelly smiled. "We brought something for, maybe that will cheer you up a little bit." Matt said and pulled a stuffed lion out of his jacket. "Thanks." Finley said and grabbed the lion. Sylvie packed up some board games and Matt and Kelly helped Finley sitting up. When Matt, Sylvie and Stella went home a few hours later, Connor and Crockett came into the room to check on Finley. "Well, did you have fun today?" Connor asked and smiled. "Yeah, look what I got from Matt." Finley said and pulled out the stuffed lion. "Great, then you've got someone to protect you." Crockett laughed. "Hey, what about me." Kelly laughed. Then Finley suddenly had a slight coughing attack. "I don't like that." Crockett said. "What about him?" Kelly asked worried. "Don't worry, it's like having an asthma attack." Crockett said. Connor gave him some oxygen and April came in with the test results. She handed Crockett the tablet. "As I suspected, Finley's lungs are not fully recovered, but you'll have to learn to live with coughing attacks like this, you will be given an inhaler to relieve your lungs if you have another coughing attack." Crockett said. "You also get one for emergencies." Connor said to Kelly. "What about soccer?" Finley asked. "Don't worry, you can still play soccer and hang out with friends outside, but you must always have your inhaler with you." Conner smiled. Kelly sat down on the chair next to the bed. When Connor and Crockett left the room, Kelly sat on the bed next to his little brother and put his arm around Finley's shoulder. "I'm scared." Finley said. "Hey, it's okay, we can get through this...together, you're not alone." Kelly smiled and kissed his forehead. Finley smiled and rested his head on Kelly's chest.

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