Chapter 7

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When Finley was about to go to Lincoln Park with friends after school a few days later, he noticed that he was being followed. "Can we make a quick stop over at CPD?" Finley asked his friends. "Sure, is everything ok?" Kira asked. "I'm not sure, but I think we're being followed." Finley said. "Hey guys, how are you doing?" Trudy asked when the kids came through the door. "I think we're being followed." Finley said. "By whom?" Trudy asked. "I don't know, are they upstairs?" Finley asked. "Yes, come with me." Trudy said. "Guys, you've got visitors." Trudy said. "Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Antonio asked. "Didn't you want to go to Lincoln Park?" Jay asked. "Yes, but I think someone is following us." Finley said. "Who?" Rojas asked. "There was a woman at our door a few days ago." Finley said. "Yes, Adam told us about it." Olinsky said. "And you think it's her who follows you?" Hailey asked. Finley shrugged his shoulders. "I'm going to have a look." Kim said. "I'll come with you." Adam said. The kids went with Hailey into the common room and had a hot chocolate.

When Adam and Kim came outside, there was no trace of the woman. "Isn't that she?" Adam asked as they were about to go back inside. "The woman standing on the other side of the street, waiting for someone. "Excuse me, are you waiting for someone?" Kim asked. "Yes, my son is in there, but he should be right back." the woman said. Then a car came and stopped in front of them. "Rosa, there you are, I've been looking for you everywhere." the man in the car said. "May I ask who you are?" Adam asked. "Who wants to know that?" the man asked. "I'm Officer Adam Ruzek, that's Officer Kim Burgess, CPD." Adam said, showing his badge. "My name is Sean Morris, that's my wife Rosa, did she do something wrong?" Sean asked. "Would it be possible to park your car and come with us for a minute, so we can explain everything." Adam asked "Yes, of course." Sean said. The kids were still in the common room, when Adam and Kim came back with Sean and Rosa. Kim explained everything to Sean. Sean took a deep breath and explained his Story. "Our son died in a car accident about 6 months ago and my wife suffers a lot from it, she is even receiving treatment, we're moved to Chicago about 2 months ago because I got a new job here and for a few weeks she has been saying over and over again that she has seen our son." Sean said. Sean apologized to Finley and left with Rosa the police station. "Alright, and we're heading to Lincoln Park now." Aaron laughed. "Come on, let's go then." Lucas said. "Hey, wait for us." Kira and Finley said at the same time and ran after them.

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