Chapter 2

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Kelly left the firehouse at around 7pm. Finley's training didn't end until 7:45pm, but Kelly wanted to watch the training a little bit because he never actually seen Finley play soccer. When he arrived at the training ground, the boys were about to start their training game against another team of their school team. Kelly smiled proudly when he saw Finley play. "Do we have to stop the training?" a voice behind him asked. "What? Why?" Kelly asked, a little confused. "I just thought because you're obviously a firefighter" the man said. "Oh, yeah, no everything's fine I just wanted to pick up my brother" Kelly laughed. "May I ask who your brother is?" the man asked. "Finley" Kelly said. "Ah, then you have to be Kelly Severide?" the man said. Kelly was confused. "I'm Mike Spencer, Fins head coach." he said. Kelly held out his hand. "Fin talked a lot about you." Kelly smiled. After training, Kelly had a chat with Mike, while they waited. Finley came out of the locker rooms with two of his teammates and they talked and laughed. When Finley saw his brother, his laughter vanished. "What are you doing here?" Finley asked annoyed. "I thought I'd come and pick you up from training." Kelly smiled. "Aha, and since when have you been interested in my training?" Finley asked. The two sat in the car and Kelly explained everything to him. "Chief Boden talked to me after you were gone and then suggested to pick you up and then take you to the firehouse." Kelly said. Finley looked at him and had to smile. "So why did you turn away from me today?" Finley asked. "I was scared to lose you because I was really busy lately." Kelly said. Finley gave him a friendly push. They both smiled at each other and Kelly drove off. "So, can I stay with you now?" Finley asked. "Sure, as long as you want." Kelly said. "And I'm sorry for what I said today, you're actually not that bad as a brother." Finley grinned and Kelly ruffled through Finley's hair. "Thank you." he laughed and drove off.

When the two got back to the firehouse, the others were sitting in the common room talking. "Kelly, you should go to Boden's office." Dawson said before they even walked through the door. "Did I miss anything?" Kelly asked. "Deputy Gorsch and Grissom walked in here with a guy and went to Boden's office without saying a word." Otis said. "Casey and Herrmann are already there, waiting for you." Shay said. Kelly went to the office and Finley sat down with the others. When Kelly came into the office, Chief Boden was sitting in his chair and in front of him were Deputy Gorsch and Commissioner Grissom and a man with camera. Casey and Herrmann stood behind them and leaned against the wall. "Kelly, come in." Boden said. Kelly entered, closed the door and stood next to his friends. "Well, then we can start." the Commissioner said. "This is Nicolas Fleming; he is a journalist for the Chicago Sun and will be with you for the next 4 weeks." Casey, Herrmann and Kelly looked at each other. "Also, during calls?" Herrmann asked. "Exactly and so that everything runs smoothly, Deputy Chief Gorsch has agreed to support you during this time." Casey, Severide and Herrmann looked to their chief for help. "We will of course be at your disposal at any time and answer all of your questions." Boden said. "Okay, then I'll set up a working place here." Gorsch said. "Well now everything is sorted out, thank you very much for your time and Mr. Fleming good luck for the next 4 weeks." Grissom said and left the office with Gorsch and the journalist. Casey, Herrmann and Severide looked at each other and knew what's in store for the next 4 weeks. When Grissom, Gorsch and Mr. Fleming came into the common room Mouch, Jimmy and Gallo were watching a football game on TV, Shay, Brett, Otis and Finley were playing a card game and the others were reading or chatting. "I hate to disturb you with your activities but I would like to introduce you Mr. Fleming, he will be with you for the next 4 weeks, also on calls." Grissom said. "And also, Deputy Chief Gorsch will keep an eye on everything that's going on here." he said. Then he wished Mr. Fleming good luck again, stroked through Finley's hair and left the Firehouse. Everyone turned to Gorsch and Mr. Fleming. "Well, I'll set up my office and you can take a look around here and get to know everyone, but take care of the little one, he can be very annoying." Gorsch said. "Hey, I also have a name." Finley said. In the meantime, Kelly, Matt and Herrmann have joined them. "You want to eat something?" Kelly asked his little brother. Finley nodded and went to Kelly to choose something. They talked for a while and played a few games.

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