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In the Mount Weather Mines, Axel and Bellamy followed Lincoin. Making their way through the tunnels to the intake door, stopping once Lincoin came to a halt.

"Why are we stopping?" Bellamy asked, noticing Lincoln staring a vial with a red drug inside it. Axel steps on it, crushing it.

"You okay?" Axel asked, looking up the male grounder. Lincoln nodded in response to the boys question.

Lincoln sighed, "as soon as they open the intake doors, we attack. Once they close, I'll make it look like you escaped."

"Then what?" Bellamy asked, making a confused expression, before looking back at the male grounder keeping the expression.

"The raiding party." Lincoln said, his voice toneless but said it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What are you doing?" Axel asked, eyeing Lincoln's movements. Lincoln sighed, before turning around and facing the teen and the child male.

"We have to go back, it's the only way." Lincoln said with a sigh, he already knew the other two males would disagree.

The two males treated this mission like a human body needed food, only because they have so many people depending on them. Lincoln could clearly see that. He also knew the many people that are depending on them to do what they have to, especially the ones he was closest to.

"No back?" Axel questioned, looking up at the grounder male. Tilting his head in confusion, as his face also holds a expression of disbelief.

"No way in hell!" Bellamy whisper-yelled, glaring at the male grounder.

Lincoln sighed, "we have to leave before we fight our way through." He agrued.

"We won't get a better chance than this." Axel agrued back, looking down the tunnel.

"I thought I could do this, I can't ok, it's over." Lincoln said frustratedly, as he tries to turn around but Bellamy stopped him.

"No its not! You join them, listen to me. When they bring out the red, you grab it and you run like hell. The Reapers will go nuts, the grounders will run and the Mountain men will have to deal with it, no one is looking for the grounder running into the Mountain." Bellamy argued, finally convincing Lincoln as he sighed and put a sack over Bellamy's and Axel's head.

"They'll think we're trying to escape." Axel said, before he was begin led to walk.

"These two tried to wander off." Lincoin said as he looking at the Reaper who was walking with a log that held other grounder prisoners.

"He's mine. Put him on the log." Another voice spoke, it was very fimilar to both males.

They felt themselves beginning to move, as they felt their hands begin brought up and around a big round thing that they could only assume that it was the log.

Ace, Clarke, Anya and Lexa sat next to a fire, deep in the woods late at night. Anya and Lexa were having a conversation, Clarke was sleeping and Ace was looking far in the distance.

Ace took off her bookbag and pulled out a pencil and a old, torn up notebook she had traded a knife she made in TonDc. She begin to draw everything she could remember about inside of Mountain Weather.

First, starting at a map of very hallway she had saw then she drew a picture of the door with the lever that led outside but couldn't open without killing everyone inside the mountain.

Then she started to draw the harvest chamber, to the hanging upside down men, to the thousands and thousands of cages. She then drew a drill, the drill they used to use bonemarrow on her. She shivered at the memory.

The last drawing she had made, it looked like it was a door on top of the mountain. Infront of it was a yellow field of flowers, she had never saw this door before but maybe, it was a theory or something that caused her to draw it.

Clarke slept soundly next to the fire when a noise awakens her in a panic, she woke up with a gasp, causing the others to look at her in panic as if they sound something that happened.

"It's okay, you're safe." Lexa said calmly, Clarke looked at her and sighed of relief.

Clarke looked at Ace, "why aren't you alseep?" She asked, raising an eyebrow at her before she saw the girls drawings.

"Wait, Ace. What is that?" Clarke asked as she stood up and walked over to the girl, she sat down next to her and Ace gave her the drawings in order.

"I drew everything I could about the mountain, the map which I still have, the cages." Ace said as Clarke looked through the drawings, she froze and stared at the one that looked like a door on a cliff once she had passed the drawing of the map and the cages to Lexa and Anya as Ace pulled out the Map she had stolen from the mountain.

"Ace, what is this?" Clarke asked as she pryed her eyes away from the drawing to look at the girl, Ace looked at the drawing.

"I don't know, I assume there's a door on top of the mountain to get another way in. Yeah they use the tunnels, but why build a huge base with only one way out?" Ace said as she opened the map from mountain weather.

Anya, Clarke and Lexa stayed slient as Clarke and Lexa shared a glance. "Plus, you guys never thought that you already have an army inside, right?" Ace said, causing Lexa and Clarke to look at her.

"What do you mean, Ace?" Anya questioned, the fire slowly started to to out. Ace huffed as she summoned fire on her hand and relit the fire.

"I mean, your army is already there. Locked in cages. We just need someone on the inside to let them out." Ace explained, Clarke light up as if she was a child that walked inside a candy store.

"That'll work!" She said happily.

The radio hook on Ace's belt begin to go off, "A...Ace!" Axel's voice came from the radio...

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