Crime and punishment.

334 7 7

Finally back from pit of work, and looks like our favorite "Bomb vest vs. S.F mastermind." Has won the vote.

"Commander, will Star be okay?"

Krieger looks up from his pad to noticing M4 behind him a look of concern on her face, he notices how worried and stressed she seemed to be, the procedure was almost done but he too still had doubts and worries buried deep in his mind.

"I'm sure she'll be" He says putting the pad down and pulling her tight into a hug as he rubs his hand over her hair, it had been some time since had spent even a few minutes so close together , he cherished these moments they had, close together in each other's warmth with everything else blocked out and washed away while they held each other in the embrace, since her neural upgrade, the Commander had saw Mai less and less, she was always away, missions, training, practice, and he cursed himself bitterly every time he had wished she were with him instead, he reminded himself that she wasn't his even if that ring was there, G&K needed her more then ever, he had only fostered and led her up to this point.


"Yes Commander? What is it?"

"I love you."

"I-I love you too Commander."

Finally they're nose to nose, he can feel her breath against him as she suddenly pulls him close their lips touching, his rough and almost dry from his work and stress, her's soft and smooth as always, and he closes his eyes as they kiss, it lasts for a few seconds but it's enough to fill him with happiness and hope.

"Thank you.. for the past few seconds.."

"Of course, it's my thanks for you being here for me Commander.."

"I always will Mai. I always will."

The time they have is short as Sopmod bursts in through the door catching both by surprise still holding each other.

"Commander! I got perfect hits at the range today! I demand pats! Look! Loooo- awwww you two make a great couple~"

"I-It's not what it looks like!"

"Don't worry Commander, I won't beat you up like M16, and no I won't tell her *hehehe* "

"Ah... thank you Sopmod.."

Krieger and M4 awkwardly let go both of them blushing as he reaches over and pats Sopmod, the AR doll purring out of pleasure.

"Is ST-AR gonna be okay? Is she almost done yet? Can I see her?"

"She's fine, she'll be done soon and yes you may."

"Yay! I'll be next right Commander? Right?"

"Yes you will Sopmod, calm down."

The Commander and M4 take a seat on the two folding chairs brought in by Miss Springfield a few days ago, Sopmod immediately seating herself on Kriegers lap rubbing the back of her head against his chest.

"She's cute isn't she."

"I would agree."

A few minutes later a comical ding sound announces the completion of the upgrade as Sopmod jumps off the Commanders lap nearly knocking him off the chair she beats them both into the room as they follow in stepping through the steam.

"STAR? Are you there? It's us M4, Sopmod, and the Commander."

"I'm here, just calibrating and testing systems."

"Ah is everything okay? How do you feel?"

"Different I would say, the upgrade has seemed to modify and changed my systems."

ST-AR stands up still looking over herself before being pulled into a hug by Sopmod proceeding to look over her from head to toe.

"You changed so much! Your hairs shorter and brighter! And your uniform is much more pretty! Oh you get two guns now! Commmaaaannnndeeer can I get two guns as weeeellllll? Pleeaaaasssseeee."

"We'll see, now leave her be and we'll walk back to your dorm so she can get some rest."

Krieger takes both of her firearms and walks with the 3 members of Anti-rain back frequently checking on ST-AR before finally arriving, M4 and 15 engaged in a deep conversation the whole way as Sopmod bounces beside them taking in every word as he hands the weapons back watching them walk in, STAR getting bombarded by M16 with more questions. The commander smiles watching the exchange as M4 tries to defend herself as M16 points a finger at him obviously asking if he had done anything to her.

"You all take care and give ST-AR some time to rest, you all have the rest of the day off unless Helian contacts me."

"Yes Commander."



"Bye Commander!"

"Don't mess with my sister."

Waving he closes the door finally letting out a relieved sigh, Krieger turns around running face first into a tall green eyed rifle doll with long hair, wearing a blue uniform and a skirt.

"Springfield! How long have you been here?"

"I was waiting close by but only came over when you let them in."

"Is there a situation? What happened?"

"Relax Commander~ I just was waiting for you to finish to request that you take a rest again, I took the liberty of finishing your last few documents and have cleaned up your office, so please go ahead sleep a bit~ I'll wake you once it's 21:00 hours."

"Ah thank you Springfield, you're a blessing to this base and me, I don't know what I would do without your help."

"*ufufu* it's my pleasure~"

The Commander pats and kisses the RF doll on her head before walking back to his quarters his mind mostly cleared except for a bit of pain over his stock of spare cores.

"Gotta ask Miss Kalina if she'll lower her prices if I massage her feet."

Well that's ⅔ of the AR team mods I have finished writing, sorry for it being a month and a half late, I was busy and forgot too. How was everyone's Polarized light experience? Alright like the Commander promised, Sopmod will be next.

Expect it by July or late June. And time for new voting:

HK-416: A


UMP-9: C

RO635: D

M14: E

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now