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Krieger pulled his crimson overcoats collar closer up as he stepped off helipad, fresh powdered snow kicked up by the transports as his echelons all stepped off, the distant glow of the trucks transporting his equipment and amenitys not far off.

"Hey! Let go! Its too cold outside."

"You are gonna get off and help me, I don't care how cold you are."

"Commander! Tell 416 to stop tugging me out of my sleeping bag!"

"Sorry you are on your own G11, I'm not helping you after last time."

"Come on M4, lets head inside."

"Y-Yes c-commander, I-I'm coming."

"Are you cold Mai? Here take my jacket, then we can head inside."

"T-Thank y-you Commander."

The Commander pulls off his overcoat and places it over the shivering AR doll, before guiding her inside, heading over to the control panel, Krieger opens control panel, flicking a switch, the base lights up, illuminating the hallways as the rest of his girls follow in.

"All echelons enter dorms by number, the rest of your stuff is coming."

Heading into his new office Kreiger finds a new stack of paperwork already awaiting him, along with a stack of available logistic missions.

"Huh little smaller than my previous one but after a bit we'll fix this right up."


"What the hell was that?"

"Sounds like a .50 BMG Commander, shall we investigate?"

"Yeah we definitely should."

Heading over to the dorms, The commander turns the corner to find a 3x3 area of th tile floor shattered to bits, Thunder and WA standing there looking at the center.

"Wha- What did you do?!"

"Well there was spider, and Wa told me to get rid of it, and so I did."

"But did you have to use your gun?! Its the first day here and you have already caused property damage, I need to put some rules sooner or later."

"Well it was the nearest thing in my hand and I didn't wanna touch it."

"Know what just next time tell me or put a cup over it, you are emptying my wallet already."

"Okay Commander."


"First day here and we already have caused property damage, its amazing our old one hasn't collapsed yet, come on M4, I need some rest today."

Okey dokey once again suggestions are welcome, let me know if there is any spelling issues.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now