On-site shenanigans: Squirrel

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"Commander save me!"

A trembling P-90 ducks behind the commander, surprising him as he entered his office.

"Whats the matter P-90? Is it that commander of yours bothering you?"

"No! worse there's a dog that's been chasing me all around the base- eeek!

A turn to the office door reveals Sopmod entering.

" Hey commander have you seen a squirrel around here? I have been looking for it all day-

After spying P-90, Sopmod drops to all fours and does whats reminiscent of a pointer dog, straight at P-90, and all is still almost a minute before P-90 moved an inch, and Sopmod yelled: "Squirrel!" and pounced catching one of 90s holograms, before turning on P-90 and chasing her out the office.

"Oh yeah, P-90 her curls and her nickname "Squirrel" and Sopmod being a puppy... Yeeaaah."

"M4 are you there?"

"Yes commander what is it."

"Sop is on the hunt again and this time its a friendly, so could you help me wrangle her in?"

"Of course on my way now."

2 minutes later:

"Commander what are you doing?"

"I'm trying to *huff* keep Sopmod from *huff* tearing P-90 apart."

"Can I help? huh? huh?"

"Sure why not the more the merrier."

After chasing her for 10 minutes, they finally cornered Sopmod at the foot of a guard tower, P-90 hiding up above with M14, who were sitting on top of the entry hatch.

"I caught them Commander! Look! Are your proud of me?" 

"Sopmod, My office now."

"Bu- But I-


A short walk later...

"Please don't go chasing after fellow T-dolls, Sangvis is fine but not Griffin alright?"

"Okay but you still like me right commander?"

"Of course I do, you needn't worry Soppo, now apologize to P-90 for chasing her across the base."

"Sorry P-90."

"It-It's okay."

"Good your dismissed, thank you G41 for helping out."

"Can I have my reward yet?."

"Sure why not."

The commander gives G41 her ruffle on her head, and she heads out with Sopmod and P-90 leaving an exhausted commander and M4 in the office.

*Groans* "would you mind getting me a cup of coffee from the cafe? I'm so tired right now M4."

"No problem commander."

After back from the cafe with one of "Springfields specials" to find the commander arms folded slumped, lying on the couch fast asleep, M4 laid a blanket on him before leaving, turning the light off as she left.

"Sleep tight commander."

There one more, also any feedback on these switching perspectives? Good? Bad? Let me know

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