Subbing in.

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¨You wished to see us Miss Helian?¨

¨Yes M4, being the immediate superior officer following your Commanders current state, we've have elected to bring in a substitute Commander to supervise and maintain the base until Commander Krieger can get back on his feet.¨

The door to office slides open as a figure dressed in the usual livery of Griffin officer steps in, looking rather lost and intimidated by the rooms present people.

H: ¨AR team, this is Commander Violet, she'll be you temporary Commander for the time being.¨

V: ¨G-Good morning Officer Helian, Miss M4.¨

S: ¨She.. So.. CUTE!¨

Ro: ¨Hush Sop.¨

V: ¨T-Thank you?¨

A small smile enters the edges of Helian's lips as she collects her things before stepping up from behind the desk, nodding towards M4 before stopping at the doorway.

¨Your duties are on the terminal, you're logged in with a temporary account, Miss Kalina should be able to explain any further questions, please understand that dolls from 3 major task forces are under your command.

V: ¨Thank you Officer Helian, I-I promise I won't let you down.¨

H: ¨I have full faith in your capabilities, just remember to speak loudly.¨

*click* The door shuts behind Helian leaving the substitue and the AR team.

V: ¨My sympathies for the situation that led to my arrival Miss M-M4, is there anything I can do to help?¨

M4: ¨Thank you, we currently do not require anything, please feel free to request our presence if you need help. I believe Miss Springfield has left a guide and labelled the phone line directory.¨

Sop: ¨Can I hug her M4? She can pat me and her hands look so soft! Pleeaassssee?¨

Sighing with a hint of a smile, M4 gestures at Sopmod, caught by the collar in RO's hand.

¨This is Sopmod, wuld you be comfortable with giving her a few.. Pats? She won't bite.¨

V: ¨O-Of course, I would be happy to.¨

Violet edges forward, reaching a tentative gloved hand out, before setting down on the AR teams resident walking talking chainsaw, and gently patting, said chainsaw melting under the hand before bing pulled back by RO.

Sop: ¨H-Hey!¨

M4: ¨Thank you, please take care.¨

With that, the AR team files out of the office, leaving Violet standing there, before after a few minutes, finally taking a seat in the worn leather chair. Violet types in her ID and the terminal flashes up illuminating her face in a light blue as the daily tasks list themselves. She looks them over then yawns, realizing her lack of coffee, a staple of Griffin Commanders, veterans, and newbies alike, she turns towards the phone set on the desk and tenatively presses a grey one labelled ¨coffee¨, the speaker immediately comes to life as a sweet and cheerful voice sounds out.

¨Good afternoon Miss Violet! Is there anything I can get you?¨

V: ¨Hello..? I-I'm sorry if I disturbed you!¨

S: ¨No need to apologize Miss, sorry for not introducing myself, Springfield Model 1903, is there anything I can do for you?¨

V: ¨A cup of coffee would be n-nice, please don't hurry.¨

S: ¨Of course, any sugar, creamer, or milk?¨

V: ¨S-Sugar and creamer would be nice, thank you Miss Springfield.¨

S: ¨A pleasure. I'll have that out for you soon!¨

The call ends with a *click* and Violet breathes a sigh of relief before turning her attention back to the days tasks, the start of the first is interrupted by a knock at the door as it slides open, Springfield steps in, carrying a small tray she sets down the mug and a plate of snacks, smiling .

S: ¨Is there anything I can do for you Miss? I'd be happy to answer any questions.¨

V: ¨I didn't order anything except for the coffee, I'm sorry if I-I confused you.¨

S: ¨Oh don't worry, I understand how much work was piled up and didn't want you to go through it all on a empty stomach~¨

V: ¨T-Thank you Springfield.¨

S: ¨ Absolutely! Would you like me to bring dinner by 7PM tonight if you aren't finished?¨

V: ¨I-I would like that.¨

S: ¨Noted! Please don't feel bad if you need to call me for any questions or issues~¨

FInished, Springfield grabs the tray and steps out of the office, once more leaving the room quiet, save for the smell of caffeine and the sound of the terminals processor fans working away. Violet takes a sip from the mug, smiling in approval before setting it back down, moving her eyes back to the terminal and opening the first document, a form requesting approval for new target practice stands for the grenadier range, followed by forms requesting everything from ammunition, weapon equipment, replacement parts, to shirts and even pillows. The last one with a note blaming Pa-15 for having taken and refused to return the missing one.

V: ¨This is gonna take some time..¨ Violet whispers before taking another sips, halving the mugs contents, before absentmindedly reaching for the sweets plate. Several forms approved, and several others..

Requested and denied:

1x Surplus G&K officers uniform Size: S. -Dandelion.

2x Ryobi brand power tools -M4 Sopmod.

1x Copy of Super Mario Kart 8 -RFB.

1x Set of Red nylon rope 30ft -RPK-16 (Upon denial, immediate sound of disapproval followed by ¨Come on Shikikan, play along.¨ emanating from the nearby dorm hall.)

5x Bags of Party size Candy -FNC.

Several hours of work later.

S: ¨Good evening Commander Violet~ Your dinner has arrived- Oh dear.. Is everything alright Miss?¨

Violet raises her head from her folded hands, blinking away the drowsiness as she quickly straightens up. ¨Ï-I'm fine! J-Just needed to rest my head for a b-bit.¨

S: ¨Please do take some time to rest if you need to Commander, were you able to finish todays tasks?¨

V: ¨Yeah, it was awful getting through all that.. D-Does he get tired too?¨

S: ¨Commander Krieger is more used to it now, so he's usually able to get through it all fine.¨

V: ¨Thank you for the coffee Miss Springfield, it was very helpful.¨

S: ¨Glad you liked it, and my treats~¨

V: ¨But I only.. Had 2..?¨

S: Ah, looks like FNC and P7 might have pulled one over you when you drowsed off, don't worry, I'll find them soon.¨

Violet could have sworn for a second, a glimmer of light flashed in the dolls eyes but it was gone before she could comment on it.

V: ¨S-Sorry about that, please go ahead and rest Miss Springfield, I'm gonna eat and hit the hay as well. Did you.. Wash the bedsheets?¨

S: ¨I went ahead and had Miss G36 swap the sheets and pillows for a new set, would you like me to bring by breakfast tomorrow Commander?¨

V: ¨That would be great, you're d-dismissed Springfield.¨

Violet cleans the plate without much surprise to herself considering her state of hunger. She brushes her teeth and hangs up her uniform before slipping under the white covers, uttering a sigh of relief and exhaustion, the smell of lavender from the sheets lulling her off to dreamland.


How will the substitute fare? Finally another moment where no ones getting shot at or injured. Also, FNC and P7 are doomed.


Publishing date: 05/25: I lived.

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