Operation Uranus: The forming storm.

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"Commander Krieger. I appreciate your willingness to join our cause."

"I'm simply here on the orders of my superiors, Make no mistake."

"That's perfectly understandable, yet we still are appreciative of your aid."

The Captain's eye immediately moves towards the tent flap as M4 enters, holding a set of maps in her hands depositing it on the table folded out between Krieger and the Captain, Krieger bites his lip as he watches the ill shaved man's eyes wander over the doll.

K"Thank you M4, you're dismissed."

"Yes, Commander."

K:"Captain. Wandering eyes lead to a wandering soul."

"mmm? Yes, my apologies, was just woolgathering."

K:"We were intending to discuss our attack on the Rodyn depot."

"Yes, just think of all the resources we'll have once we seize it."

K:"One shouldn't count his eggs before they hatch. Now then, we need to scout out weak points and stage our forces in concentrated pushes on the points, but we must also set up a small force as a distraction to lure them into defending the wrong entry point."

"If you wouldn't mind my opinion, I believe a well-supported and encouraged push at their rear would be the best."

K:"I don't believe we have the necessary "support" you speak of. The most we have that are close, are two mortar units alongside a singular AT squad, that is all that I was allowed to request for heavy ordnance support."

"Well, my men have a few mortars as well, we carry our standard tank rockets, but we could set up a group of them on the nearby bluff."

K:"You misunderstand the fact that the depot has enough artillery to demolish the most obvious vantage point that their spotters would know and see."

"Then what would you suggest? We scatter them?"

K:"That is exactly what I intend to do, multiple directions of fire will confuse the enemy and give them a hard time silencing all of them, have your men fire off 5 rounds before moving in a new direction at least 30 meters from their original position."

"Wouldn't that lessen their fire rate?"

K:"Would you rather win with more men, or win with fewer men?"

"Point taken."

K:"Four squads will head in from the south end and attempt to fool the garrison into believing that is the direction of the attack, have them stay out of range of explosives, the larger force will breach from the supply gates of the base, Mortars should prioritize any sentry or ammo dump placements."

"The ammo dump.. But we'll need that!"

"There will be plenty of underground storages, you have a ragtag guerilla force, not an army to stock. I was in the Urals, trust me."

"Very well then, I'll discuss this with my other officers and advisors, thank you for your advice, Commander Krieger."

K:"Heed me well, the operation relies on good planning, we are fighting one of the biggest military powers here."

"If my men and I have made it for a decade, this base should not be a problem."

K:"I trust that your judgment is sound."

30 Miles away. Fort Rodyn, Command bunker Zephrya.

"Colonel. The flight officer at the base of Novgorod wishes to understand why you have prevented him from taking a sortie on the approaching rebels."

"The fox does not spring his trap by growling at the rabbit in the clearing. He waits."

"Shall I relay that Colonel?"


"Colonel, Captain Yegor has been notified of the group and has informed us of his departure for our depot, he wishes to assist in the destruction of the rebels."

"Tell him that our runway is unserviceable and the roads are bogged with snow and mud, ask him to delay his party for a day to allow the roads to clear up."

"Yes sir."

The major leaves the office not without a hint of fear as he closes the door shut with a snick.

"We'll meet soon enough Barzo. You cunt."

Wow I wrote two days in a row. amazing.

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