Tis but a scratch

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(I have run out of titles)

Krieger doubled over in his chair, a hot pain burning in his gut, Alexei tackling Torsby over, before slugging him in the face and zip-tying him, M4 producing a first aid kit, trying to patch the wound.

"Torsby your fired, you will be jailed for attempted murder, and will not receive any pension from G&K."

"Commander stay with us, you'll be alright, lets get you to the infirmary."

"don't worry this time M4 just light wound."

" I do apologize for his actions, I should have known he was a volatile man, commander Krieger."

"It is of no matter Ms. Helian, I'LL be fine."

*Later in the infirmary of the command post*

"Your probably one of the luckiest people alive commander, the doctor doesn't know how that bullet didn't puncture any organs, it went a angle striking a rib, breaking it but staying lodged there."

"Well I guess I'am, say I have always wondered, why did you even hire me?"

"We found you command abilities and knowledge of military tactics better than some of the instructors at G&K, and thought with these T-dolls you would be an effective commander."

"I guess I have done well here, but what does this new base assignment look like?"

"That for now is confidential info you will be informed upon arrival there, your transport is here, Mr. Kryeuger wishes you a speedy recovery commander."

*Back at the base*

The commander steps off with the help of M4, as they head towards his office, a blue uniformed blur tackles him.

"Commander! Welcome back, I was told you had been hurt, are you all right?"

"I'm alright Springfield but I think one of my stitches just broke from that."

"Thank goodness, though K11 blew a hole in her dorm while you were gone."

"That's good to he- wait what?"

"Sorry commander i didn't foresee the how powerful that Amatol would be."

The commander and M4 turn to find a covered in soot K11, her hair singed at the ends.

"What have I told you again and again and now K11?"

"Practice explosives on the range?"

"Exactly, now I'm gonna need you to lighten up on the explosives next time, and uh try not to empty my wallet repairing the base."

"Sorry commander."

"It's fine now head back to your dorm please."

"Now then I need to file those forms for tomorrow, your relieved of duty M4, you should go hit the showers and get some rest, I'll can take care of myself for the rest of the day."

"Thank you commander, let me know if you need anything."

There that concludes this two parter, will have a shenanigans short up soon.

Take care guys!

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now