On-site shenanigans: Pallet creativity.

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"When I said you all could take the extra pallets I didn't expect this."

Krieger states as he stands outside the large wooden wall. Entirely built with the wood dismantled from shipping pallets.

MP7: "You never said what we couldn't do with the wood."

K: "What is it supposed to be? I thought you all would build a fort or something, not this weird boxed in square."

MDR: "Its from a video game! We're gonna stream it on these headcams!"

K: "Okay, that I did not clear you with."

1911: "But one round please?"

K: "A round? Of what?"

9: Its complicated."

K: Where's your sister? Wheres G11, and 416?"

MDR: "They're in there! Oh the footage is so good!"

K: "OK thats it I'm going in."

MP7: "Suit yourself."

Krieger steps in through the mock doorway turning a few corners as he steps over furniture and debris. Rounding a corner he spies 45 leaned against a wall and steps over.

K: "What are you doing here? Where's your teammates?"

45: "We're having fun."

K: "What kind of fun?"

45: "Its from a video game that video game nerd plays, its fun."

K: "You know I never approved of this."

45: "We're in a round."

K: "I can see."

SIghing. The Commander walks away finding a chair in a room closing the door he takes a seat lighting a cigarette, before sitting down and yells out the door.

K: "Get them all out after this, we need to talk about what we can't and can't do here."

45: "Its only some fun, come one."

K: "The warehouse space is needed to store materials, supplies, and equipment. Not a true to size doll house."

Than as if to emphasize said need to speak in regard to recreating certain video games, several rounds stitch their way down the closed door the last few blowing a leg off the rickety excuse of a sitting place and the chair and Commander come crashing to the floor.

K: "If I had a ruble for each time a round has found a spot into me without coming from hostile forces, I could buy myself a carton of cigarettes."

A sledgehammer crashes the cheeseholed door down and in comes M590 bearing the tool followed by DP28, and the rest of the gang, Attackers and Defenders included with a question in unison.

"Commander are you alright?"

K: "If I can still smoke, I'm fine."

____A long array of curses from M4, followed by a trip to the infirmary later and the turning of 39 days since the Commander has had a accident sign later___

"Three days bedrest, no movement or solid foods." The doctor proclaims before stepping through a staff door leaving M4, and a rather sour Krieger in the rows of beds.

K: "WIll you promise to sneak me a muffin from the cafe?"


K: "Ok fine, soup and water for me than."

M4: "Doctors orders, you'll hurt yourself eating solids and anything sweet."

K: "Only because you said it, not him. Don't tear down that plywood palace yet, Now that I think, I rather have them doing things in there than anywhere else on the base."

M4: "Will tell than, I'm taking your cigarettes as well, no smoking."

K: "Oh now thats too harsh, honey, come on!" The AR doll swipes the metal case from Kriegers tattered overcoat pocket and walks out of the infirmary leaving the Commander there sighing in amusement.

K: "If I wanted to live past the average lifespan of a G&K Commander I wouldn't have joined up."

Theres a short one with nothing much, if you can't tell its based a on a set of amusing rules on base found on the GFL subreddit, as stated no recreations of the FPS strategy game of Rainbow 6 SIege. ENjoy everyone, expect another sometime later.

Edit: May 10th 2022. Fixed a minor spelling (skill) issue.

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