Off-site shenanigans: Armored car

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"Your doing great echelon 1 continue."

"Roger that Commander sweeping for enemys."

"Say where did Sopmod run off to again? She can pick for Sangvis parts AFTER the mission is completed."

"I don't quite know looks like she ran off to do something."

*Knock Knock*

"Come in Springfield, and this better be good news, or if you brought muffins it would be even better."

"Commander our Anti-Tank unit BGM-71 has dissappeared."

"Uh huh an- WAIT WHAT?"

"Well we did a perimeter search and scan and no sign, also the garage door was open."

"I don't like where this is going, first Sopmod now one of our heavy support echelons, startup a SAR team, I hope they find them by nightfall, Helian's gonna kill me, Springfield your dismissed."

"I'll get started on those muffins then Commander."

"Contact! Open fire!"

Krieger leaned in to watch the suprise attack on a suprised group of Sangvis easily cut down by M4 and the rest of the team.

"Everything all right M4?"

"Just a small patrol we came upon, half a clip used up."

"Alright load in a full one, our radar is picking up a large group up ahead advance with caution."

"On our way."

The team made it to a nearby crumpled wall of a long gone build before the commander switched to M4's perspective, spying rows of Jaegers, Rippers, Guards, and 3 Jaguars.

"Hold position we can move in a 2B14 and AGS HOC to deal with the targets, wait... is that fortunate son?"

"Commander who's this "Fortunate son"?"

"Its an old war song STAR, just let it happen."

Then a pickup with armored plates welded on, blaring CCR burst through the tree's behind the Sangvis formation, squashing the jaguars in the process while TOW missiles launched off the bed of the armored vehicle, causing Sangvis to fly in all directions as the AR team also opened fire, within a few seconds the once dangerous formation is a smoldering pile of coolant, parts, and dead Sangvis.

"Who was that Commander?"

"I believe the question is: why they did that."

The pickup parks next to the team as the door swings open revealing a very giddy Sopmod.

"I did it! it worked! I-

"Sopmod.. Sopmod.. Sopmod.. I have no words how much stress and joy you have caused my today, just... just get back to base, M16 you're riding along I don't want her driving off."


"Alright listen I'm not mad just a bit frustrated, 1. Where did you find such a thing? 2. Why didn't you tell me sooner? and 3. why did you have to rope in the TOW crew?"

"Well I found it rusting away in the garage, and the HOC group offered to help me fix it if I gave them a ride, please don't scrap it we worked so hard on it."

"I promise I won't I'm actually proud you made that, just let me know next time you have another "Project" of your's."

"Of course Commander! Wanna go for a ride too?"

"No thanks maybe later, now if you will excuse me Springfields done with her muffins."

Well then another one, uh I have nothing else to say goodnight!

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