Ghost of the Urals

537 9 3

                                                               3 weeks after the events in "Grief"

PA system: All echelons report to combat positions, echelons 1 and 3 prepare to initiate rescue procedure 003, exercise caution.

*5 minutes earlier*

"Commander, there's something you might want to see."

"What is it M4?"

"We have received a transmission from a echelon in need of assistance."

"Where are they?"

"Just 2 miles out the are being followed by a small group of Sangvis forces, mostly rippers and jaeger class robots."

"Well what are we waiting for? Let them know and alert the base!"

The present:

"Echelon 2 take over watch prepare to pick off targets, watch your fire, 1 and 3 head out and prepare ambush positions."

"On our way sir."

"And M4?"

"Yes commander?"

"Be careful out there darling."

"Of course commander."

Echelon 2 had already started to pick off the incoming swarm, every few seconds a cluster of the group would slump to the ground, seizing the chance 1 and 3 popped out of cover, allowing the injured echelon to slide into the trench before returning fire wiping out the remaining stragglers which stupidly stumbled ahead, the commander quickly heads down to the front gate, the repair team trailing behind.

"Status report M4."

"No injury's sustained, 30 hostiles wiped."

"That's great, your with me right now, all echelons prepare a sweep of the area report back if anything comes up, then you may head to the showers."

The rescued echelon approaches, and a dirtied P-90 steps up.

"Echelon 09 of sector 08 reporting commander!"

"At ease P-90 you may head to the repair bay but report back to my office when your done please."

"Got it sir!"

*Later at the office*

*Rap Rap*

"Come on in P-90."

"Hello commander! Thank you for saving us, what can I do for you?"

"Well hello to you, it's only what I would have done this for any of my girls, I just need a report on how you ended up all the way in S09."

"Well our commander heard of some Sangvis base being setup and wanted the resources, so he sent us-

"Unsupported? With no support?! I'm sorry for interrupting you continue please"

"And when we arrived, we quite a large presence but the commander pushed us to continue, and we were of course beaten back and pursued by the enemy when we finally were able to reach out to you here commander."

"Interesting I'm going to need to have a talk with your commanding officer and, since our helis are under maintenance right now, you're going to have to spend the night here, just head to the war room and ask for Springfield, she should  guide you to your dorms, let me know if you need anything."

"Thank you sir!"

The cheerful Doll almost ran out of the office, overfilling with delight, Krieger not so much.

"M4 could you please put me on the line with this... Bryant Torsby? Wait what?"

"The lines up and encrypted sir."

The face of a well kept male soon appeared on the screen, he didn't seem more than 26 just a year younger than Krieger.

"Yeah Yeah just get them back soon."

"Excuse me? That is not how you address a fellow G&K commander Mr. Torsby."

"Alright then, I'm Bryant Torsby, Commander of sector 08."

"Thank you, Krieger Vladivosk, of sector 09."

"Hey, I have heard you, "Ghost of the Urals" huh?"

"That is past me... Now lets get to why I called you."


"Why have you ignored Griffin protocol, and sent an unsupported echelon into an unscouted hostile base? Your lucky I rescued them in the first place."

"I just got some inn-accurate info from my adjutant here."

A quick look from his P08 said otherwise.

"I will have them back by tomorrow, but if I get word of another violation, I will report this to Helian at our next meeting, understand?"

"Alright Alright, jeez relax a bit now, anyway thanks Ghost of the Urals."

And with that the call ended, the commander placed his head into his hands and sighed.


"Yes M4?"

"What did he mean by "Ghost of the Urals? A search in the database reveals it as all Lvl 6 classified requirements."

"It... It was a previous occupation I had.. Its best not to divulge too much."

"Understood sir, your heart rate is above the recommended levels should I get you a Tylenol?"

"No, its just what kind of a commander does something so brash and irrational, he sent his girls out to die, I mean its just monstrous."

"Commander its getting late maybe you should get some rest now."

"your right M4, I guess I will just have to pay him a visit tomorrow."

Part two is in the works, how does everyone feel about these two parters? like it? hate it? Meh? let me know.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now