Title? We don't need no stinking titles

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Krieger slams the butt of his AR into the side access panel of the door and it slides open as his team enter, surprising and gunning down several S.F dolls, leaving a dummy scarecrow caught with her pants down.

"Aw commander when will we face off against the real one?"

"Patience Sopmod, now listen there Sangvis scrap why don't you take a step to the right and list-


A shot rings out, Scarecrow crumples onto the floor a hole now apparent in the back of her head and Krieger turns his head over torwards the rifle shot, finding Everan holding a smoking Garand.

"You're welcome."

"Do you know how fucking stupid of a move that was?"

"I was doing what I was supposed to do."

"You know how much possible extra intel we could have gotten from her?"

"I- I did what I did alright?"

"Know what? It's fine, we are done, I'm out of here, come one M4 let's go."

"Commander... you might wanna see this."

"What is it? M4 don't tell me it's another incident."

"It is..

Krieger walks over to where M4 is standing her weapons silence holding up a bit of what seemed to be a large tarp as Krieger flips it over before taking a step back, the now flipped back tarp revealing several critically damaged T-dolls.

"Do you recognize these T-dolls Everan?"

"Oh yeah that was echelon 6, it's fine I'll just send for replacements."

Everan is already looking at data pad when a AR butt slams straight into his face, leaving him sprawled on the floor.


"You are a disgrace to the G&K name, I don't know how you. are still employed, if I could I would have shot you and reported you as having suffered unrecoverable injuries in battle, I'm going,  don't expect me to ever come to your aid again."

"You've got some real trouble headed you're way you asshole."

"Come on, M4, 94, Springfield, get your teams ready to depart, Try to handle the damaged T-dolls carefully, I wanna make sure most of them gets back."

"Hey! Those are my dolls."

"I will reimburse your loss with supplies, but if you take one step to stop me I will make your day hell, now let's part our ways and be done you walking trash. Now come on when we get back I'll treat you all to something from the cafe."

Well then this bits done, once again suggestions are welcome, please let me know if I missed any  spelling or grammar mistakes since Wattpad won't highlight mistakes on my laptop, probably will have a on-site shenanigans but up soon after, but yeah weekly updates. Also sorry if this feels repetitive I haven't been feeling very up to it. I do apologize.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now