On-site shenanigans: Another maid?

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K: ¨I promise she's perfectly sa-

¨No Commander.¨

K: ¨But-

¨I'ĺl spend the rest of the week in my dorm if you do.¨

Theres a knock on the door and M4 turns back from the knock, noticing her Commander starting to blush and sweat.

K: ¨I-It might be a bit late for that-

¨So this is the Griffin Commander that was causing me so much trouble, well trouble no more I'd imagine..¨ The voices wafts through the opening door, revealing a tall figure dressed as if her duty were that of a 18th century manor maid. By now the Commander's practically squirming in his seat, watching M4 stare daggers at the recent capture programs latest haul.

M4: ¨You.. Brought her here?¨

K: ¨Well.. I..¨

A: ¨If it cools your nerves the assimilation protocol has eliminated all previous protocols and instincts.¨

M4: ¨I can't believe you allowed this.¨

K: ¨Dear..¨

A: ¨How cute~ The stern and brave Commander squirming like a welp~¨

M4: ¨You lay one finger on him and I'll..¨

A: ¨We're on the same team now what are you gonna do?¨

?: ¨Yo Commander! I'm running low on my rations againnnnnnn..... Is this a prank?¨

M4: ¨No its not. Tell him to get rid of her M16.¨

16: ¨No no no wait a second sis, this could be funny.¨

A: ¨You heard her. Besides I'm too valuable a asset to dispose of now~ isn't that correct Griffin Commander? Or Helian would have your head.¨

K: ¨Y-Yes... She would have my head..¨

M4: ¨I can't believe you want her to stay.¨

16: ¨What? I said it could be funny.¨

?: ¨Hey Commander! I need some pats right now! Or I'll bug you till you doooooooo..... You! I remember you! COME HERE!¨

A: You're the annoying thing that wouldn't stop screaming all the time, I remember you to- AH! GET HER OFF ME! YOU'RE DAMAGING A VALUABLE ASSET!¨


16: ¨See? I told you this would be funny.¨

M4: ¨Get her Sop. If you can kill her I'll let you use my lap as a pillow.¨


K: ¨P-Please stop.¨


?: ¨Everytime something new gets here something chaotic has to happen sigh come here Sop.¨

STAR pries the scrabbling AR doll off of Agent, look rather worse for wear, her hair a birds nest, her dress torn and dirtied with the results of a T-doll running around the explosives range.

A: ¨How horrible.¨

M4: ¨Stay away from my team or I'll sic her on you again.¨

A: ¨Sounds like something a sore loser might say~¨

16: ¨This is grade A entertainment.¨

M4 files out the door, 16 following her having filched a fifty from the Commanders desk while he was distracted by the scuffle, leaving Agent, Star, Sop, and the man himself in the office, which looked as if a mortar round had gone off inside.

K: ¨Do you think.. She'll forgive me?¨

STAR: ¨She probably will, just try to hug her more.¨

Sop: ¨Gimme pats! Gimme pats! Gimme pats!¨

Sighing, Krieger sits up and moves across the desk, stepping over spilled paper and pens soaking in the remenants of a shattered coffee mug, before patting the scraggily AR doll, who beams and nuzzles against the gloved hand before being dragged out by STAR, leaving Agent and her new Commander alone.¨

K: ¨I-I'm sorry..¨

A: ¨Its nothing, I'll help arrange your papers but you need to finish your work now. I need to tidy myself again.¨

K: ¨You sound just like G36. Thanks I guess.¨

With one more sigh of exasperation the Commander pulls out a worn pack and lights one only to have a black gloved hand snuff it out the moment he drew in a millimeter of the tip.

K: ¨And now you're just like M4.¨

A: ¨I can't have lung cancer kill you after all of this cat and mousing you and I went through.¨

K: ¨Then just kill me now.¨

A: ¨Thats not very funny Griffin Commander. Please have a good day.¨

*Click* ¨Springfield..? It happened.. Again..¨.

¨I'll be right there my clumsy K~, please hold on.¨

A: ¨I'll have to treat myself to her cafe soon.¨

K: ¨You.. Do you... Dismissed.¨

The now somewhat better dressed S.F files out the door brushing past Springfield as she herself steps in, dustpan and brush in hand.

¨I'm sorry.. Its.. if.. Theres anything I can..¨

S: ¨Its alright Commander, Sopmod tornadoes happen.¨

Theres a rather messy introduction to a new chess piece on the board. Might introduce other ringleaders if I remember.


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