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"Come on commander! Let's go to the ice cream shack!"

"I'm coming gimme a second Sopmod"

The commander has taken a few of his girls out for a treat, on a hot Saturday afternoon.

"Don't rush the commander Sopmod he's the one taking us out in the first place"

"It's fine M4 she's just a little hyperactive, it's actually pretty cute"

"Pick what you want girls, it's on me, just spas-12?"

"Yes commander?"

"Go light on the toppings please or your gonna be the end of my wallet"

"Commander can I go checkout the stores here? I'm not one for ice cream"

"That's fine PPSh go ahead"

"Thank you commander!"

Five orders later and a emptied out wallet, and a couple brain freezes, they had finished their sugary snacks, and were now taking a leisurely stroll around. When Krieger saw something that made his blood boil, there in the street some teenage hoodlums had held up PPSh by the arm holding her by it mocking it, immediately M4 and the others drew their weapons.

"Please put her down citizen of sector 09"

"What are you gonna do huh? Your not gonna shoot me"

"Your right she can't shoot you right now, M4 turn on anti-human protocols"

"Thank you sir"

"Now why are you harassing my girls?"

"She was walking around, throwing insults, and acting like she owned the place, we were just teaching her a lesson!"

A quick look from the people around him, told otherwise.

The commander grabs the walking scumbag by the hand, lifting him up by his arm, causing him to drop the sniffling, close to tears PPSh, who ran to towards M4.

"Now tell me why were you harassing her for no reason?"


"These girls fight every day to make sure you snot rats don't get murdered by heartless robots, and I have to watch them suffer from fighting for your freedom, if I could I would have already shot you, so why don't you shut-up and scram and become a model citizen, you walking garbage"

The commander let's the sobbing, sniffling, and trembling snot-hole go who limps away a dark wet stain growing on his pants, his arm crushed by the handhold and grip, the police finally showing up, deferred interfering, as one does not live long when the man your looking for has turned someone else hand into playdo, and is with gun wielding killing machines, though after some consolation and a candy bar and PPSh was fine and laughing again.

Sorry this came out a day later, my WIFI said "fuck" word and headed out, also sorry if the story seems dry again, also Saber that beach thing is in the works so just wait a bit more.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now