Beach day

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"Come on commander the waters so warm!"

"I'm fine here IDW, just go and have fun, lunch is in an hour."

"Fine. Nyaaaaaaa come on lets go catch a shark!"

IDW and the others scramble off into the surf, leaving Krieger and M4, Springfield still prepping for lunch, The commander had decided they should spend the one day in july relaxing, and took the girls out to the beach, though the humvee ride here wasn't as pleasant.

"What was that about a shark?"

"Well commander on the car ride here the others decided catching a shark as a pet was a good idea."

"I have so many objections to that plan, who came up with that?"

"Me *hic* come on let them have some fun, it's not like they actually will *hic*"

"Why are you already drunk AK47?"

"You said it was *hic* time to relax *hic* so I relaxed my way."?"

With that 47 falls face first into the sand snoozing away, Springfield picking her up before laying her down on a nearby beach towel before returning to the grill.

"Well I uh... it's not likely they will catch one, but I do not doubt there inability to find one."

"Hey uh wheres FAL?"

*Muffled* "Right here"

A lifted towel reveals the head of FAL her body buried in sand.

"What happened?!"

"Well we got into an arguement and they decided to bury me."

"Would you like to be dug baack out?"

"Well its pretty warm here maybe dig me out when its lunch."


"Well I guess you're coming out now."

After some frustration Fal is out, though echelons 1 and 3 aren't back yet.

"Should I tell them over the comm commander?"

"You just relax M4-

Their conversation is innterrupted when a large group emerges from the surf, chattering about something, and a black colored figure raised up in the middle like a canoe.

"Ohhh don't tell me they done it, I'm gonna bury 47 in the sand and leave her there."

"Commander! Look we caught a shark!"


"Sopmod I don't think Sharks can go "mmmph" "

"Well we found it while swimming and tied it up."

"Wait... don't tell me thats AN-94."


Krieger walks over before setting the tied up 94 down, and untying her, pulling the gag out, and draping his coat over her.

"So you're telling me you couldn't tell your fellow t-doll from a killer fish?"

"Well maybe we got a bit... too excited."

"Its a day to relax, just don't get into anymore trouble, now it's time to eat, you lot must be hungry."

"Now how did you end up like that 94 are you alright?"

"I'm fine commander.. thank you, I just was out scuba diving and and they f-found me." 

"Its okay, why don't you also grab something to eat? I'm feeling pretty hungry myself."

Sitting themselves on already jam packed folding tables the commander begins to eat, then halfway into his hotdog, a chunk of mashed potatoes fly over.

"Hey don't you chuck food at me!"

"Thats what you get for burying me in sand!"

"ooh food fight!"

ducking another flying piece of hamburger meat Kreiger tries to get the two sides to calm down but to no avail, food now flying in every direction, picking up his paper plate Krieger leaves the mess, a rather distressed Springfield trying to calm the situation down before finally giving up and picking up a plate to eat.

"5 minutes more and I don't wanna see any more food thrown, understand?"

Krieger leaves, seating himself on a beach towel, M4 walking over before sitting down beside him leaning her head against his shoulder.

"Your not hungry M4?"

"No I already ate, but thank you commander, I just want to be by your side."

"That would be fine my precious, hope you enjoy this day as much as me."

There, theres something that resembled what you requested for Saber, anyway suggestions are welcome, uh bye

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now