Be very very quiet

297 10 1

"Come on! Move! Echelon 2 head to flank that Jupiter, switch to HP ammo, echelon 4 take out any SF, try aiming for those shells, Echelon 1 give covering fire."

"Roger that, moving out."

"Sopmod aim for the shell storage. lets give them some fireworks."

"Got it Commander."

"We are close to the lost teams signal. we can't fail now, keep going."

The Commander and his echelons had been trekking through the winter wasteland for the past two day's, dodging S.F patrols best they could, following the distress signal, they were finally able to make contact with the group but they would have to fight through a few groups.

"Task force 2, This is Commander Krieger Vladivosk part of the rescue team,  can you make your way through the enemies rear? We are in view of your location."

"Roger that Commander Krieger we'll do our best."

Almost immediately the back of the SF forces is rocked with an explosion from grenades, caught off guard the mindless SF turn to meet the threat only to be decimated by Kriegers echelons, with the forces gone the Commanders echelons regroup together as they approach their target.

"Thank you Griffin Commander, I knew Helian would have sent someone accountable."

"No worries FAL, is any of your team injured? We can relocate to a hidden position to repair, if not, and if we move fast we can get back to a evac zone within the next day."

"Thankfully no, and I'm sure we will be able to get back sooner."

"Alright then Echelon 2 move out to recheck our route back, echelon 3 form a rearguard plant some charges see if we can't leave some surprise's for the next SF team, echelon 1 stick with me, RO see if you can't duplicate that information in case the worse comes, the sun is setting soon, this should give us some concealment."

*2 Hours later*

Krieger stopped to catch his breath as he leaned against a snowdrift, clutching his chest he felt the telltale sign of blood. Executioner had caught up to them somehow surprising Krieger and his group, they were able to rid her of her support groups, having to split, unfortunately she had followed him.

oof uh yeah sorry for the lack of uploads, been running low on time and ideas, suggestions are welcome once more, uh enjoy?

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt