Stay if you want

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"How's the evac process going M4?"

"All civilians are in the trucks, enemy forces still 2 1/2 clicks out we-


The commander and M4 turn to the source of the noise as they walk torwards the troublemaker, MP40 hiding behind Kriegers back.

"Now what is the problem Mr?....

"Vasiliy Archipov you bungling fool."

"Excuse me? Would you like to rephrase that sentence?"

"Piss off."

"Sir you need to get into the truck, enemy  units are approaching soon."

"Why the hell should we leave? I was there during the Ural Campaign and you treat me like a normal civ."

"Sir I fought you guys during the campaign but that is something else, now I need you to get your ass in that truck."

"I don't take orders from you fucking robot fucker."

The Commander gives a signal to the other 3 transports and they roll off, leaving only the one idling.

"Sir please enter the vehicle, we need to make sure no civilians are present-

The man raises a hand, M4 winces waiting for the blow but never comes as she opens her eyes to find the raised hand stopped in its downward force by a gloved hand, Krieger twisting the mans hands until he let go, Vasily crumples onto his knees.

"You lay one more hand on these girls and I'll shoot you faster then the Sangvis will, you dog."


"Vasily I swear if you don't come along I'll evict you from the building if we ever get back."

"I do apologize for his delay of your evacuation, don't worry he'll be a good soldier and wait this one out with us if he wants so much to stay."

A several Jaguar shells flies into the area as Krieger gives thump on the truck leaving Vasiliy in its dust.

"Now then I suggest you find some cover, their Jaegers are within range."

The commander ducks down to recheck his M4 as a second later a shot flies into the wall behind him.

"Well let the fun begin."

"Commander is it time? Is it?"

"Yes Sopmod it's time to rip and tear."

Here's a shorty, part two comin tomorrow sorry about that, any spelling mistakes let me know since auto highlights headed out for some reason.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now