On-site shenanigans: Late night ride.

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*Knock knock*

K:"Hmmm? What is it? It's only 3AM."

"Commander, it's Enfield, I was in charge of the gate tonight, there are officers of the law that wish to speak with you."

K:"Oh brother, what happened?"

"Ah, Miss A-91 and a few others went for a ride.."

K:"Please tell me no one's dead, besides my insurance rates."

"No one is hurt, they're outside."

K:"Hold on gimme a minute to get dressed, I'll be there in a minute."

Krieger sits up grabbing his overcoat and cap before tugging the covers back over M4 still asleep, he grabs a cigarette from he case in his pocket, lighting it he takes a drag before making for the door.

"No smoking."

K:"It's a stress reliever, just his once."


K:"Last time tonight I promise Cinnamon."

Buttoning up the coat, he steps out and through the gates side door, immediately illuminated by  blue from the lights on two old GAZ's. The Commander sighs and produces the case from his inner pocket as he approaches the two uniformed men standing in front.

K: "Smoke? They're Marlboros."

1":Yes, thank you."

2":Never turned on down."

K:"I've already been given a quick summary by the watch leader, what did they do?"

1":They traveled in one of your site vehicles and raided the 24 hour convenience store, one was drunk, they paid than drove off, crashed into Pavel's car at a yellow light."

2":The one driving it was drunk, I smelled it before I could get out of my car."

K:"My apologies, you must be Pavel, I'll be happy to reimburse the station for the costs and you two for the trouble they've caused."

1:"Nothing to worry about, kinda made the place exciting for  a bit."

P:"You don't say. The mechanic will send you the quote, and the station should mail you the proper violation fines."

K:"Alright, thank you for your help gentlemen, are they in there?" He asks as he gestures towards the two squad cars, a few shapes visible in he backseat."

P:"They are, the drunk one still reeks, and is asleep, she could kill with that breath you know?"

K:"When you drink ethanol as a wage, you'd imagine worse,"

Krieger thumbs through his wallet before producing two twenties, he hands them over to the two as they unlock the back doors and the haggered 6 pile out and immediately freeze in place.

K:"Go ahead and buy yourselves something nice for the night, thank you for the help and understanding officers."

1:"A pleasure."

P:"She still smells like fermented grain."

K:"If I had a nickel for each time, I'll send a tow truck for our car, take care officers."

Several minutes of tongue lashing and 3 cigarette butts later.

K:"What have we learned?"

The 5/6: "Don't let A-91 drive ever again."


The 5/6: "Don't go on a snack spree when the cafe is on the base,"

K:"Good, you all have mess hall duty for the next 5 days, and you A-91.."

A:"I-I *hic* ac-acshep fool reshposhibity."

K:"Have to attend a online AA meeting, no booze till you get that challenger coin in your mail. Everyone is dismissed, and can someone drag 91 back to her dorm?"

Deprived of sleep and energy, the Commander slips back into bed, neglecting to get out of his coat, he sighs as a set of arms wraps around him and squeezes down, causing a "oomph" from him.

"You didn't listen, you smoked again."

K:"I need to sleep."

"Apologize for smoking and than I'll let you sleep."

K:"I'm sorry I smoked this late, I promise not to do it again, so please don't break my ribs."

"Thats better, goodnight,"

Another short one, and fuck this slow bastard finally wrote another one, uh enjoy I guess? See you guys in another month or something.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora