Poor Planning.

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?:"You know I'm still not over what you did to me last time."

?: "What did I do again?"

?: "You shot your own team member and went after that lucky bastard."

?: "I Don't remember doing that but with how annoying you are I might have."

?: "Of course you don't remember. You ran off after him too far and got yourself killed when you hadn't backed up your memorys, those Griffin scum turning you into confetti didn't help either."

?: "Stop reminding me of that. Agent already gave me a tongue lashing over it."

?: "And why should I? It was your fault."

?: "Shut up Dreamer. I'll get him this time, someone on their sides feeding us info thankfully, not like we really need it."

D: "We'll see, maybe Agent will scrap you if you fail after. You already messed up so maaaaany other times Hunter."

H: "Quiet or I'll put another one in your brain."

D: "Anger management Hunter, Anger management."

H: "We'll get him this time, I'll gut him personally."

D: "We'll see."

*Time skip.*

?: "Sir if I may ask a question?"

K: "Go ahead Lieutenant, they didn't promote you just for following orders."

L: "Well, why do your dolls walk next to or behind their transports instead of riding inside? Wouldn't it be safer and more efficient if they got in them sir?"

K: "That's a very good question, and skip with the formalities, just call me Krieger or K for short okay? So hers the deal, its something the Soviets picked up riding their BTRs in Afghanistan. The things were great trooper carriers and support against the Mujis, only problem was the Mujis got their hands on RPGs and IEDs and if they blew up one of the tin cans and you had men inside.."

L: "They died?"

K: "Exactly, So the troops rode on the outside on top, it helped with survivability since the insurgents couldn't aim for shit, and they could dismount and return fire against ambushes better."

L: "Thats why your dolls walk?"

K: "Don't get me wrong, Humvees and Gaz Tigrs are very nice, but with what S.F and Paradeus pack these days, I'm not getting in, and neither are my girls."

L: "I understand now, thank you Sir.¨

K: ¨Just call me Krieger or K alright? Now be sure to apply that when you have to manage a squad in the future.¨

L: ¨Will do Sir, though I have to say I'm quite new to the thing and would really like to thank the senior that put a reccomendation in for me, but Ms. Helian never told me who.¨

K: ¨Just K will do, okay? I may outrank you, and your DS definitely told you to or he would put a boot up your ass, but I'm now giving you a standing order to address me non-formally. Now I'm sure that a certain senior officer noticed the potential you had while shifting through sectors recently.

L: ¨Yes K.¨

K: ¨Much better.¨

A certain team's leader steps in next to the two as the convoy continues its way down the bombed out road, stepping in sync with officers.

?: ¨Commander, it would be better for you if you rode in one of the transports, the doctor stressed that you not move too much even now.¨

K: ¨I understand dear, but those things are too uncomfortable.¨

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