On-site shenanigans: Not kicking the habit.

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"Commander, I've returned from range training. You can have a cigarette with halved tobacco since the doctor said you behaved during the blood transfusion... Commander?"

M4 turns her head and looks over the empty office, poking her head into their adjacent dorm room to no avail, she checks under the desk noting the completed pile of work in the out tray, and scowls.

?: "Ah there you are, I was wondering where he could have gone, but you must know where he is Team Leader."

M4: "It seems he has left his office without notice, did you need something?"

?: "Well we're getting our suits in soon for the next operation and Ange suggested we grab some other items that would complement our disguises."

M4: "Which is?"

?: "Cigarettes, I feel if I was who I claimed to be, I would smoke, of course An, 15, and 16 have decided on their own items."

M4: "I know he keeps a pack taped under his desk that he thinks I don't know about, the less he has the better."

12: "Well Well, M4 keeping secrets, I'd never thought I'd see the day."

The AR doll reaches under the desk to grab the pack only to find nothing, fingers brushing across torn tape. She sighs and pulls a drawer open before producing a sealed one from underneath a pile of papers and hands it to the DEFY team member.

12: "Thanks M4. Any other plans then?"

M4: "I'm going to find him and give him a talking to."

12: "I wish you the best of luck then."

With that, both AR dolls step out into the hallway. M4 turns a corner and runs into Springfield carrying a lunch tray.

M4: "The Commander isn't here, I think he's hiding somewhere smoking."

S: "Oh dear~ That not good for him, I guess we'll have to find him then~"

M4: "Thank you for your help Springfield."

S: "My pleasure, I have to make sure our Commander eats his meals too~"

Springfield sets her tray in the office before joining M4 in their search.

*Several halls and turns elsewhere*

"Thank goodness no one else is here," Krieger mentions to no one but himself as he takes a drag from a cigarette in his hand before crushing it and throwing it in the trash can, he immediately lights up another one from his pack of 20, now only 14 left. "I should probably quit sooner or later, but they're swapping my lungs out sooner or later... maybe I could switch to those vapes I keep seeing.." He thinks to himself.


The noise of a door opening throws him out of his peace as he sits up straight only to come face to face with a certain grey-haired bullpup in the janitor's utility room.

?: "Well Well Well, if it isn't the Commander hiding and smoking."

"Keep your mouth shut MDR, I cannot stress this enough."

MDR: "And why should I? Think about how much trouble you'll get in if I tell your precious M4."

"Do that and I'll have the armory confiscate your special equipment.."

MDR: "I can manage without it."

"I'll buy you that phone you've been requesting for so long."

MDR: "Deal." The bases local shitposter gets out from her spot in the locker and heads for the door, turning the knob only to stick her head out and yell. "EVERYONE THE COMMANDERS HIDING AND SMOKING IN HER- *AAAHHK!* HELP! I'M BEING ABUSED!- AAAAAH

*Crash* *Slam*

"You little goblin! The deals off!"

MDR: "I got what I wanted, public humilia- AAAHK! HELP!-

"I should have locked you in there for the janitor!"

*Knock Knock* *Click*

?:"Commander~ We found you~"

K: "Look what you've done." He sighs and stands back up to face the door, Springfield and M4 having stepped in as MDR lays still frozen in terror but also in an attempt to linger and hear the scolding.

?: "So this is where you've been, hiding and smoking, how many times have I told you it's bad for your health?"

K: "Sorry dear.. I just needed some time to relax.."

?: "And you still haven't eaten your lunch yet, do I have to feed you myself~?"

K: "N-No I'll eat it now, thank you Springfield."

S: "That's a good Commander~ Now I'll leave you and him to sort out his bad habit Mrs. M4~"

The rifle doll beams and steps forward before picking up MDR by the scruff of her collar holding her up to eye level. "Now if I remember correctly, you should have been down at the range with the other bullpups Miss MDR~ Not to mention hiding here of all places and messing with my dear Commander~

MDR: *Gulp* "I-I-.."

Springfield steps out tugging MDR with her, a look of terror on the ARs face, leaving M4 and Krieger alone. The Commander sighs and turns to apologize, only to be met by sudden warmth and a tight embrace, to which he obliges and returns the hug.

M4: "I thought you had gone missing when I first went into your office. You know that?"

"Sorry dear, I thought I still had some time before you came back."

M4: "As long as you're okay. Still, you can't smoke so much, it's bad for you."

"I'm trying to quit dear, it's just a hard habit."

M4: "You say that every time, and I believe it."

"Well, maybe I should start vaping then."

M4: "Absolutely not! You know that it's just as bad and worse!"

"A-Alright, I'll try switching to nicotine patches, how about that."

M4: "You should have done that sooner."

"Well, I wanted to finish what I had."

M4: "I'm going to throw those out."

*Click* "Woah. Uh.. I-I'll come back later with these boss.. You just take care.."

K: "W-Wait! Bill! It's not what it looks like!"

B: "It's a-alright boss, I'll just go to the cafe.."

K: "Bill! She was scolding me for s-smoking! You can come back, we were just leaving!"

B: "Oh.. ok.. Thanks, boss?"

M4: "Come one Commander, you still haven't had lunch yet."

And with that Kriegers dragged out of the room, leaving a still very confused janitor who sighs and tugs in the dolly behind him, the tarp over it catching in the air from the tug showing a stack of cartons of cigarettes.


Someone gonna regret hiding away from their duties soon. Expect MDR cleaning in Springfields Cafe for the next few days.


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