On-site shenanigans: cafe mishap

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"Fire prevention team, this is G36, please head to the cafe, I repeat please head to the cafe."

"Aw now what? Even the cafe isn't safe from incident, my base resources are gonna be drained."

"Commander fire team reports a level 2 blaze should we visit?"

"Yes why not I would like to see how they got into such a mess."

Krieger and M4 head over the smell of smoke soon becoming harder to ignore, passing through the doorway to the cafe, Krieger finds the FPT still spraying retardant on the burning kitchen, Springfield looking rather distraught as she pitches in to save the smoke and ash blackened kitchen, a rather nervous WA-2000 stands by.

"What the hell happened here? and how?"

"Oh Commander we just had a small baking fire, and now the kitchens gone, its terrible."

"What were you baking?! Napalm?"

"Well I was trying to teach WA 2000 how to bake and she set the temperature too high and it burned... oops."

"Do you have anything to say about this accident? WA?"

"S-Sorry? Its not even my fault!"

"Really you causing the cafe to almost burn down isn't you fault? Tell me why?"

"W-Well if Springfield hadn't watched the oven than it wouldn't have gotten out of control!"

"Well Springfield had people to serve up front, when the new appliances come in you have cafe duty with Springfield for a week, you have to take responsibility next time."

*sniff* "Really? Commander you'll buy me replacements for the kitchen?"

"Of course where else am I gonna get muffins?"

*Hmmph* "Its still not my fault." 


"oooooh hoooo that hurt."

"Thats for blaming me."

with a humph WA turns and exits storming off, mumbling about something, leaving the Krieger keeled over on the floor clutching his stomach.

"Are you all right Commander? That was a hard blow there."

"I'm fine once the room stops spinning thank you Mai."

"Come on lets get you back to your office all that smokes probably messing with your lungs too."

Later at the office while Kriegers still trying not to hurl, a small note is slipped under the doorway from WA :"Sorry not sorry".

There another one, also might I reassure you all: I'm not gonna stop writing for this story, and I'm not abandoning this line, somedays it will be GFL somedays it will be the Crossover, anyway uh suggestions are welcomed (I'm running out of ideas)...

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There another one, also might I reassure you all: I'm not gonna stop writing for this story, and I'm not abandoning this line, somedays it will be GFL somedays it will be the Crossover, anyway uh suggestions are welcomed (I'm running out of ideas) and have a nice day.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now