On-site shenanigans: 416

561 11 2

Takes place day after "Napalm"

"Hey M4 tell Springfield to prepare some coffee please."

"Of course sir on its way."


"What the heck just happened?"

"If my Digi-mind isn't wrong, then something just flew through the air and through that wall."

The commander pokes his head into the hole.

"Oh god, get the RAMP team, and ready the repair bay."

"What is it? oh my."

"UMP-45, UMP-9 are you all right?"

"Commander? is that you? I'm fine I think."

"What the hell happened?"

"Well... me and 9 were joking about 416 when she introduced herself, and I guess she heard."

"Commander my head still hurts."

"Commander the  RAMP team say's they are dealing with another emergency at the moment, WA2000 fell out the guard tower, because Sopmod brought a dinergate up there."

"Great, could you please help me carry them to the repair bay?"

The commander and M4 pick-up the dazed SMGs, UMP-45 slung over M4s shoulder, and 9 cradled in Kriegers arms, they pass the suspiciously whistling HK-416.

"416 come with me I have some words for you."


"Just get over here."

*At the repair bay*

"What were you thinking?!"

"Well I-

"Throwing fellow T-dolls into walls!"


"You broke through a concrete brick and tile wall."


"You know how bad that could have been!?"


"You know what? Just refrain from injuring fellow T-dolls, and if you have a bone to pick tell me alright? I can sort it out."

"Ok then but only because you told me to."

"Thank you 416 your dismissed."

"How's it looking M4?"

"Just some scrapes on the head and bumps, they will be repaired within the hour."

"That's good to hear, let's head back to my office."

The commander and M4 walk in to find M16 tied to a chair, a gag stuck in her mouth, Sopmod waiting happily next to her.

"Commander I did it! Are you proud of me huh? Can I get my reward now?"

"Of course come here you big puppy."

The commander let's Sopmod wrap her arms around him, rubbing and patting her head, Sopmod purring and cooing as he comforts her, before sending her off, the commander cutting the rope and pulling out the gag.

"Listen I'm not completely pissed off but just watch where you smoke alright? Your part of the dorm has started to smell like an ash tray, maybe lighten up, now off you go."

M16 stuttering out an ok, probably still bit scared after Sopmod tracked her down like a wolf, hurrying out the office, almost right into Springfield.

"Commander here's your coffee!"

"Thank you Springfield just tack it on my tab."

"No worries these are on the house, how could I charge my own commander?"

"Thank you Springfield, your greatly appreciated."

"No worries!"

"Your both dismissed, I need to wrap-up on paperwork, thank you."

The two turn to leave, the commander pulling the paperwork out of the to be done tray, and beginning.

There that should do it. Enjoy guys. Will probably have a shenanigans story based off the current Event in-game.

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