Grenadier practice

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The commander looked out his office window to see an interesting sight, K11, and Sopmod, trying to teach FAL, 416, and Zas M21 how to grenade? At least from his perspective that is, and he watched as FAL gave it a shot, she landed the dummy rounds well, though she could control the trajectory a bit better on her second shot.


"wha- oh its you M4, you startled me, what can I help you with darling?"

"a-actually I was gonna ask you the same thing"

"well if it won't bother you, another cup of coffee would be fine, oh and don't leave the bag out, Persica has a habit of waltzing into the command center and just grabbing unsecured bags"

"Of course sir"

The commander turned to look back out the window, as the practice continued, "I really should tell them to do this at the range", he thought, but whats the harm in that, he thought they are just dummy rounds, Zas came up to try, a bit too low on trajectory, but the stance and recoil handling were done well and it landed almost dead center in the target, really the target was just a spray-painted dot on the ground with sloppily sprayed circles around it, but if it gets the job done, though he did wonder where the heck did they acquire spray paint?  

"I'LL be there in a minute commander, almost done"

"No rush M4 I don't want you to hurt yourself going too fast"

Finally 416 came up to give it a try, though from a glance the commander could tell that she was way of with the trajectory, and angle, and judging from what K11 was trying to tell her, she saw what was wrong too, but too late nonetheless 416 fired, and as the commander moved closer to the window to get a better look, he thought "that doesn't look like a dummy round at all, and is it headed towards my window?" "uh yup, well fuck me".


His ears rang like a bell as he opened his eyes, dust drifted in his office, as he coughed some out, Krieger tried to move his right hand to wipe some of the dust and plaster bits off his face, but it wouldn't respond, so he used his left, and that worked, one quick look at himself, found his right hand mangled, and a wooden shard from the window potruding from his lower abdomen.


The door burst open as M4 entered along with the explosive bunch.

"Commander are you okay?"

"No I don't think so, sure doesn't look like it, anyway there's a first aid kit in my bottom left drawer"

"I'm so sorry commander I didn't do the trajectory right"

"No worries, just do it on the range and not at your commanding officer next time, oh and adjust your angle, not trajectory"

As M4 began dressing the wounds, K11 called for a RAMP team, which soon arrived and took the commander to the infirmary.

" you know I might have gone to the infirmary more times than any of my girls have gone to the repair bay, that's gotta be a new record, whats this number 7?"

"No commander its number 8 remember the range incident?"

"oh yeah that one, I'm just gonna sleep this off for now, your relieved of duty M4"

*2 days later*

The commander awakes from his sleep, to find M4 sitting in a chair waiting on him.

"how long have I been out?"

"2 days and a half sir"

"I have been out longer than that, have we followed reserve logistics missions as planned?"

"yes sir, would you like to get something to drink or eat?"

The commander holds out a hand to say no and stops for a second.

"The doctors are sorry, they couldn't repair your whole hand"

"First my leg than my fingers, at this rate I'm gonna be more machine than man"

"don't joke like that sir!"

"aww come on I'm fine, and so is my sense of humor"

The commander gets up with the help of M4 and the two walk back to his office, M4 fussing over him for getting hurt again, the commander chuckles before giving her a pat on the head.

There another one done, have fun, also I never realized this would become like an actual story this long, also my stats show that some of you all are from the Philippines and Vietnam? seriously? know what I don't even care, anyway as mentioned BEFORE suggestions and comments are welcome.

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