Something something desert operation I have no title ideas.

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Here's another lengthier one, (more than 2 parts probably). This is not fitted into the Artic base setting, completing in another time. I'm writing this because I got the idea.

"Commander remind me again, why are we here in this desert?"

"We're just helping this sectors commander out, don't worry we should be done within the next two days."

"Aw okay."

"All other echelons check in please."

"Echelon 2 fine."

"Echelon 3 fine."


"What? Echelon 4? 94?"

"Ah I'm sorry commander don't mind that, we're fine."

"Commander Everan, you there?"

"Yeah, Yeah, I'm here."

"Well speed up a bit, your teams humvees are falling behind."

"Alright, get off my back."

"Commander, would you like some water? It is 86* degrees out here (Farenheits... duh)."

"Sure thing M4, thank yo-

"Oh you're just gonna skip your big sis huh?"


"You're just jealous M16, that the commander has gained M4's attention faster than you."

"I-I'm not! Shu-Shutup STAR, it's not like that sister stealing asshole is gonna win."

"Well she has a ring now-


"Okay everyone we are nearing the target, recheck your equipment and head for our planned assembly point."

*several minutes later*

"Everyone has the map layout downloaded right?"

"Yes commander, we are ready."

"Alright good, Springfield take your team and Everans Sniper team up to a supporting position for shots into the S.F base, Everyone take 4 dummy links that's it, Everan lead your team with mine for a pincer movement we will converge on their command center, you copy?"

"Fine, I call dibs on whatever they have."

"Unless you want the dead body's I don't care the rest is sensitive material which need need to be sent back to G&K."

"Geez you're a real stickler aren't you?"

"Orders are orders unless you prefer a court martial or a resignation, now enough it's time to go."

The Commander proceeds with echelon 2, 3, and 1 following behind, moving behind cover until they reach the patchwork wall erected around the S.F base.

"Springfield come in, do you read?"

"Loud and clear Commander, what can we do for you?"

"Aim for the towers and wall guards, try to keep it one shot one kill."

"You got it commander, though I must say you owe me a session of tea after this."

"We'll see about that."

A few seconds later a faint simultaneous crack is heard from the RFs position.

"All targets are down, you should have a minute or two before the base goes on high alert."

"Thank you, continue to take down targets please."

"Commander can we go yet?"

"Yes, now we can Sopmod."

"Great! This is where the fun begins!"

Well this is the start of another multiple story chain thingy, Let me know about any spelling mistakes I made, because Wattpad won't highlight the mistakes in red and I'm too lazy to check back over.

Also anyone catch that Isomer reference?

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now