Murder puppy whaaaaaaa

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"Worrying as usual Commander?"

"Wha- oh its you Mai, are you here to see Sopmods upgrade completion?"

"Well now that I'm here, I guess I will wait with you."

M4 takes a seat in the folding chair next to Krieger and instantly leans her head to rest on his shoulder letting out a sigh as the Commander puts an arm around her.

"Thank you Commander."

"My pleasure M4, how do you think she'll turn out?"

"I'm sure she'll have the same energeticness as before Commander, don't worry, you can't contain Sopmod."

"Is that last part in a good way or a bad way?"

"We'll have to see."

"Now you're worrying me."

"Am I?"

Their conversation is stopped short as the door opens again and ST-AR 15 steps in.

"Is Sopmod still in there?"

"She is, but why are you here Star? I've known you to do something like this."

"Oh, I was just uh making sure you were okay here."

"Are you sure you aren't worrying over Sopmod? She sticks to you like glue on every mission you know."

"S-Shut up I know she'll be fine, you're the one worrying."

15 takes a seat on another chair instead of exiting, letting out a deep sigh as the Commander watches on.

"Well we know there's more then two here that care."

"I'll swing this chair at your head."



As if right on time a comical microwave ding sounds from behind the upgrade rooms door as all three PMC members jump up, Star beating both the commander and M4 to the door almost crashing into it as it slides open, before another shape jumps out tackling 15 causing the shape and 15 to crash backwards into M4 and Krieger.

"You came! You came! I feel so new! Look! Look!"

"Yes I did Sopmod now please stop shouting into my ear."

"See commander, she turned out fine."

"C-Can't breath."

The three immediately get off of each other before Sopmod piles back onto the Commander.

"Commander! Look! Do you like my arm? And my new clothes? And my dinergate? And my gun? And my hair?"

"Yes they look great on you Sopmod, now please get off me."

M4 finally pries the overexcited T-doll off the flattened Commander before beginning to fuss over him.

"No, I'm fine, thank you Mai, no I don't need to visit the infirmary, quit your sniffling Sopmod, I'm okay no broken bones yet."

The commotion is soon interrupted by a loud burp followed by the familiar smell of aged hard American liquor.

"Oh please don't tell me it's who I think it is."

"I suggest you seek refuge, we'll stall her for your sake and the infirmary's."

"Thank you M4, get some rest you three, Sopmod I don't want to see you on the range or in my office tonight because of said range violations, until tomorrow that is."

And with that Krieger calmly strodes out the upgrade room before running away as the three members of the AR team step out behind him walking away only to hear a commotion akin to a scuffle and a loud bang as Springfields "Oh dear." Echoes through the halls.

"Should we.. help him?"

"We probably should."

"I second that.."

There, apologies for the rather long hiatus, I'll have a side story out soon hopefully.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now