On-site shenanigans: This early?!

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K:"It's not even september and you're already planning for halloween?"

Sop: "Yup! I already know what I'm gonna be!"

K:"You'll scare the other dolls I'm sure of it."

Sop: "I hope I will! Last year was great!"

K:"TMP Vomited all her candy corn onto the cafe floor. The smells are still not gone yet."

Sop:"That's the fun part!"

K:"Not for the janitor."

Krieger sighs as he scratches the top of his head, watching Sop piece together the intricate parts of her costume.

K: "Why can't you just be something more simple, like a dinosaur or superhero? You know back in my day, kids dressed up with what was in their closet."

Sop: "Skill issue."




Both heads turn as a shiny gray wrapped individual stumble or rather stiffly, flees in, before tripping and smashing right into the Commander with a "uhnf", followed by a blur and two others, not wrapped in gray slam right into the semi-upright Krieger, ensuring a sore back for days to come.

K: "Did you two, wrap someone in duct tape?"

P7: "It was for a halloween costum-

PA15: "NO!"


K: "Who's in there?"

?: "ME!"

PA15:"She's fine."


K: "Not even a month passed as the new doll on base, and you're already acquainted with the sector's greatest clowns."

P7: "We didn't mean to do anything bad! We were trying to help with her costume."

PA15:"Yeah what she said, Derringer said she wanted to be a mummy."

S: "Commander? Is everything alright? I heard screaming."

K: "Thank god you're here, please help Miss Derringer out of her duct tape costume and give her a treat for her troubles, and try not to pull too much hair out Springfield."

S: "Understood, come along now Miss, I'll give you a muffin once we get through this."

D: *sniff* "I-I would like a muffin."

With the duct tape mummy out of the room, carnival cruises finest once again goes under evaluation. (I'll be happy if even one of you all gets this joke.)

K:"You two do realize, its toilet paper or fabric right?"

P7: "She said the duct tape looked better in the dark."

PA15:"Way to throw me under the bus you pint sized nun."

P7: "Look who's talking, cotton candy for hair."

K:"You two are the most insufferable here, even RPK-16 is less of a pain."

PA15: "We're sorry for what we did and apologize with our hearts. Please forgive our inexcusable actions."

K: "Been there, heard that. You two will not touch anyone elses costumes, projects, or creations, and no working on your own costumes until Oct. 1st."

P7:"But I have to paint mine!"

K: "Paint doesn't take 30 days to dry, now scram before I switch out your scissors for safety scissors."

The two dash off leaving Krieger standing there, all while Sopmod watches grinning.

K: "Have something to say too?"

Sop: "You have to admit that duct tape mummy was funny right? Come oonnnnn~"

K: "Ok fine it was a little funny, let's hope they grabbed the great value brand and not name brand."

Got inspired by the fact that my work put up Halloween displays at the start of the month. enjoy, and expect a Halloween story, maybe something for September.

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