Wolf of the Urals return

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*Flashback* (if you can call it that)

Krieger's in the Ural mountains, back before he was welcomed into Griffin, their outpost is being besieged by Russian federation troops, his men are low on supply's and manpower, he's been cut-off from reinforcements and the only way out is a small beacon the size of a car key remote, he was met in a bar by monocled woman with graying hair, saying they were interested in his skill,  and would like to offer him a job, he politely turned it down, but was given the signaler if he ever changed his mind. Now he holds it in his hand, thinking.

"Krieger get the fuck over here, there about to overrun us!"

"I'm coming Alexei, wait."


"Alexei are you okay? I'm here come on lets go! Alexei?"


"Commander are you all right?"

"I just had a memory come up M4 it's fine."

"Just to let you know your combat drill is today sir."

"Oh shit, wait it's today? Call echelon 1 and 3 to the briefing room by 9:00AM."

"Here's your morning usual sir, and I will let them know."

"Thank you M4, go on and prep for the drill, I will be waiting in the briefing room once I'm done."


The commander walks in echelon 1 and 3 all waiting as he moves up to the plasma screen.

"This is a combat drill, we will be facing a commander from sector 08, P-90 here has given a me an idea of what he might field in battle, so we expect a shotgun/machine gun setup, can anyone tell me the advantages and how to deal with an opponent like this? Yes Springfield?"

"High initial damage, and can soak up hits, very tough from the front."

"Thank you, now how can we counter this?  RO?"

"Flanking attacks, and long range should whittle them down, and then we can employ wolfpack  tactics."

"Wolfpack tactics which are?"

"Get up close in groups and strike deep before leaving them For the wolves, just like you taught us commander."

"Excellent, now I want echelon 1 to setup ambush positions as that team moves pretty slow, but don't stick around too long, even though they are just rubber bullets, I don't want you girls coming back dented up, echelon 3 find suitable vantage points to cover echelon 1 understand?"

A chorus of yes's come up.

"Now work together to plan your attack, M4 don't feel afraid to share any ideas, we move out in one hour."

On the Chopper.

"Commander is something wrong? You seem focused on something, is there something troubling?"

"It's alright M4, I'm just worried about the drill and how we will perform."

"You needn't worry commander, we will do our best."

"Thank you M4, just be careful out there alright?"

"Yes commander I will."

The chopper touches off, the commander stepping off waving goodbye as echelon 1 and 3 leave for the deployment zone, before checking his watch and entering the command post, there at the table, was Mr. Kryueger himself founder of G&K, Helian,  Persica, and 2 more I.O.P researchers, along with a security guard that caught Kriegers eyes, just the eyes reminded him of something.

(Girls frontline)  I will always be at your side Commander! Monthlyish updates.Where stories live. Discover now