Sins of the past.

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RO:¨Who would live out here?¨

K:¨ Someone looking for peace and quiet.¨

RO:¨ In a known area of combat?¨

K:¨ Well intel never brought up this house, and it hasn't been razed to the ground yet.¨

RO:¨ Still kind of stupid.¨

RO:¨ Do we tell him about pursuing S.F?¨

K:¨ We involved him in the first place, we get him out of here as well.¨

M16:¨ I'm not paying for his new home.¨

K:¨The aid department can take care of him, might get some okay PR out of the guy.¨

The team approaches the small residence, its walls made out of white wood, flaking and weathered by the harsh weather that arrives each year, Krieger signals RO and Sopmod to move towards the backdoor while 16 and 15 move to the corners of the front porch. Himself and M4 mounting the creaking stairs and arriving at the front door, raising a fist and knocking, there's the sound of footsteps across old wood, followed by several latches pulled apart. And a face appears between the cracked door and doorway.

¨This is the day, isn't it?¨

¨ My apologies sir, but we've been instructed to evacuate any residences along the sector due to advancing hostile threats.¨

¨ I know the protocol, I recognize that uniform.¨

¨Last action?¨

¨ Back in 8 years ago, I was discharged for withdrawing from a unwinnable situation.¨

¨ My sympathies old timer.¨

¨ Nothing to apologize for, I've seen faces like yours, you've weathered enough storms yourself, Now step in for a second, I apologize for delaying your retreat but I would like to collect some of my old belongings before I get going.¨

¨ Stay outside M4, I'm gonna help him with some lifting.¨

M4: ¨ Understood.¨

The Commander steps into the small dwelling, before following after the former Griffin, he turns a door and into what appears to be a bedroom where he finds the man stooped over a footlocker, rummaging through its contents, already having accrued a small pile of medals, patches, and photos.

¨Old memories?¨

¨Yeah that's all they are now, tried reapplying, but I've been declined harshly.¨

¨What sector?¨

¨ When I was still in service, they were 'grids' I had grid 6.¨

¨Was it as bad as it is now?¨

¨I can't tell, don't keep up with the news, just know there are more dolls.¨

¨Do you hunt?¨

¨No, have my necessities delivered by a drone company every month.¨

¨Anything I can give a hand with?¨

¨There's one thing in the closet if you wouldn't mind grabbing.¨

¨Wouldn't mind since that will get us out faster, hinges are just a bit stuc-

He finally pries the door open, not too surprised by the difficulty only to be rewarded with an awful sight.

K:¨Oh Enfield.. What did he..¨

¨You should know that she joined me in retirement after her request of discharge was approved, I had no direct influence on her, of course, that changed.¨

¨But now I think she has outlived her use, it got boring after a few years.¨

K: ¨You..¨

¨ *click* But I think the ones that are accompanying you are far more interesting, you never knew this, but during my career, they installed cease of operations code words for the dolls, all models no matter received it.¨ *CRACK*

His eyesight weakens and feels his body slump forward, ignoring his screaming brain's commands to right himself, and he falls onto the dirtied and damaged body, itself cold and motionless. He can still hear the footsteps rapidly approaching, his own feet finally catching onto the name of the game as they began to scrape against the floor.

¨Commander! ¨

Not one step or I'll blow your precious officer's head off, now stand down. ¨

M4:¨ Lower your weapon and then we can talk.¨

16:¨Better listen, she means it when he gets hurt.¨

¨Lets try.. стертый.¨

Everything drowned out. The stock of her rifle bucks the slightest in her shoulder as it stitches a line of three rounds up the man's chest, he says something but her gun muffles it. There's a look of surprise on the man's face when he realizes what's happened. But she doesn't care about him, she rushes towards the struggling body of her superior and turns him on his back, blood running down his mouth as he coughs up fluid.

M4:¨Commander! You're bleeding!¨

K: ¨I can't really feel my legs, but I'll be fine.¨

RO: ¨It must have clipped his vertebrae. We'll call for medevac.¨

M4: ¨Wheres your first aid kit? We need to bandage the wound!¨

Hacking out his own life, the Commander reaches a hand for the kit slotted to his belt before her hand grabs it spilling the contents, causing the doll to scrabble for the gauze and cream, grabbing them she pulls the release on his vest and lifts up his uniform pressing in the gauze and anti-septic causing Krieger to groan and grit his teeth.

15: ¨Commander, S.F parties are arriving nearby. The medevac won't get here before they arrive.¨

K: *hhnnng* ¨Set up a position at the windows, get access to the roof and set landing smoke. Get me to that window, I can prop my rifle there.¨

M4: ¨You're staying put.¨

M16: ¨Hey the prick's still alive!¨

The team in the room all turn to the wheezing and gurgled breaths emanating from the body on the floor, the retiree lays in a pool of blood soaking his white shirt as his eyes dart frantically between the 5 pairs of glaring eyes. M4 stands up from her spot before approaching the man, he attempts to speak but nothing comes out as the AR dolls boot comes down on his throat slowly and deliberately, the sound of cartilage, flesh, and muscle crumpling as his eyes widen and his breath begin to shallow until there are no more. The rest of the team left quickly to respond to the arriving threat as sporadic gunfire begins to break out.

K: ¨Mai.. Come here please..¨

M4: ¨He's dead.¨

He grabs her hand, squeezing it weakly as she lowers herself down to his eyes.

K: ¨You don't need to do that again dear..¨

M4: ¨I-I had to.¨

K: ¨As your commanding officer, I order you to never do such things again, they stain your soul worst than anything and my own is grey and bloodied. Do you understand?¨

M4: ¨I-I Promise... Please don't go!¨

K: ¨I won't, not yet, not until you dismiss me.¨

M4: ¨ Then I'll never dismiss you.¨

K: ¨Thank you.¨

Look for a part 3 soon maybe.

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