On-site shenanigans: Snow day

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"Commander look it's snowing outside!"

"Yes I see Sopmod would you like to go outside?"

"Yeah Yeah! can we go outside?"

"Well why not, we can take a day off."

"Commander here's your coffee hope you like it."

"Thank you Springfield, what took so long?"

"Well if you mind stepping outside you'll see."

The commander opens the office door leaving Sopmod staring out the window, while M4 prepared the announcement.

*OOOF* *Splash*

"ow Commander why did you do that? It burns."

"I'm so sorry G41 why are you and ehcelon 6 sleeping outside my office?."

"Well the heater in our dorm broke, and you left your space heater out so we slept here."

"why didn't you just go into the next dorm over?"

"Well I uh... We uh...

"Its fine I'LL get a maintenance team to your dorm, go grab breakfast we have the day off."

"Thank you Commander!"

With a quick hug G41is gone along with her echelon, as the commander walks back in his office.

"M4 could you please call in a cleanup crew for the hall, my coffee is now nonexistent, Springfield your dismissed no need to make another cup."

"Of course commander, Sopmod left while you were outside."

"Where? Oh there she is, oh dear might need to stop her."

Looking out the window Krieger see's a over excited Sopmod rolling a snow ball about the size of the base's hummer, chasing a rather frightend Suomi.

*Outside Kriegers office*

"Sopmod stop chasing poor Suomi, you've had your fun now stop rolling it, it won't melt until spring if you keep rolling-


"Alright who threw that?"


"Aww you just had to say that didn't ya M1895- *oof*

The outside of the base soon turns into a snowfilled warzone as M4 drags a snow covered and dazed Commander back inside.

"How long do you expect that to last M4?"

"Well as long as the snow lasts, I expect it to continue."

"Ohhhh I think I have a brain freeze from that, I think I'LL join the mayhem later."

"Should I get a warm drink from the cafe?"

"Sure why not I could use a hot drink right now."

Krieger sat back in his office scooting his chair up to the window to watch the snowball fight unfold.

*Sigh* "How am I ever gonna get them back inside now?"

There a short one, so hows everyones T-doll rateup experience?

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